The 12 best episodes of Laverne & Shirley, as picked by Penny Marshall herself
Tune in to see some of Penny's favorites on Sunday, December 23.

With the passing of Penny Marshall, many are remembering her brilliant comedic work on Laverne & Shirley. By its third season, the Happy Days spin-off was the most-watched television program in America. And no wonder — the second season was pure genius.
In 2015, we asked Laverne & Shirley cast members to list their favorite episodes of the series. Marshall's select dozen primarily focused on the second season, with just a few outliers.
As MeTV pays tribute to Penny Marshall on Sunday, December 23, you can catch six of her top picks, followed by two Christmas episodes, "Christmas Eve and the Booby Hatch" and "Oh, Come All Ye Bums." It all begins at 2PM | 1C.
Here are Penny's 12 favorite Laverne & Shirley capers in chronological order, and when you can see select episodes them this Sunday.

1. "Fakeout at the Stakeout"

Episode 11
Laverne goes undercover as a decoy to help catch a thief, as the Milwaukee Police Department has no female officers. Bo Kaprall played Officer Norman Hughes, who would turn up in a handful of later episodes.
See it Sunday, December 23, at 2PM | 1C on MeTV.
2. "Drive! She Said"

Episode 16
In the season two premiere, Shirley has her eye on a $200 car (a 1952 Hudson Wasp convertible) owned by one of Carmine's pals. Only, she's a little short of cash and needs Laverne to pony up half the cost. One catch — Laverne can't really drive.
3. "Angels of Mercy"

Episode 17
Shirley talks Laverne into joining her at the hospital as a volunteer worker. But the two are truly looking for love, as Shirley angles for a doctor and Laverne crushes on a neighbor, Jerry (Charles Frank), undergoing knee surgery.
4. "Excuse Me, May I Cut In?"

Episode 19
A visit from the Happy Days boys! The girls get Richie and Potsie as partners for a dance contest in this crossover episode. This also marked the first appearance of Betty Garret as Edna Babish, the landlady.
5. "Bridal Shower"

Episode 20
The girls receive an invitation to the wedding shower of Elinor Stephanick, the third-to-last unmarried member of their high school sorority. Old high school beefs make for one unpredictable shower.
See it Sunday, December 23, at 2:30PM | 1:30C on MeTV.
6. "Dear Future Model"

Episode 22
The girls meet a model at the pizza joint. She's pretentious, but earning $60 per hour. So Laverne and Shirley enroll in the Famous Academy of American Modeling By Mail — at a mere $7.50 a pop — and end up posing for "Lovely Lady Lingerie."
7. "Guilty Until Proven Not Innocent"

Episode 26
Laverne accidentally stuffs a $75 scarf into her purse at an expensive clothing boutique. The theft lands her behind bars — with the bail set at $500!
8. "Guinea Pigs"

Episode 29
The girls need money, as usual, this time for a businessmen's cocktail party with a $20 entry fee. To get the cash, the two volunteer as paid subjects in scientific experiments at Institute of Behavioral Sciences. Laverne enters a sleep study; Shirley, a nutrition study. Harry Shearer guest stars, teaming up with his future Spinal Tap bandmember Michael McKean (Lenny).
See it Sunday, December 23, at 3PM | 2C on MeTV.
9. "Call Me a Taxi"

Episode 30
Shotz Brewery lays off the bottlers for three weeks, so the girls find work as taxi dancers (a paid dance partner in a partner dance). The fee? A skimpy 10¢ per dance.
10. "Steppin' Out"

Episode 31
Laverne and Shirley have a big date and want to look their best. A raging fire across the street has other plans.
See it Sunday, December 23, at 3:30PM | 2:30C on MeTV.
11. "Airport '59"

Episode 39
In the season three premiere, Laverne and Shirley win the Shotz lottery and tickets to see the Packers play the Colts in Baltimore. This mean the first ever airplane ride for Laverne. Unfortunately, the pilot passes out, meaning one of them will have to take the controls!
See it Sunday, December 23, at 4PM | 3C on MeTV.
12. "Supermarket Sweep"

Episode 79
Much like the Supermarket Sweep game shows of the 1960s and 1990s, this episode centers around Laverne winning a manic grab-all in a grocery store. How much food can one possible fit into a cart — and a sweatsuit for that matter?
See it Sunday, December 23, at 4:30PM | 3:30C on MeTV.


So long, Laverne.
We can ask for nothing more than the work you gave us, the laughter the world shared, and the memories.