Laverne & Shirley

Sundays at 11:30 AM

eastern (on most MeTV stations)
A spinoff of 'Happy Days,' 'Laverne & Shirley' follows two young friends living in Milwaukee during the 1960s. The perky and positive Shirley Feeney (Cindy Williams) shares an apartment with Laverne DeFazio (Penny Marshall), a tough-talking tomboy. With a cast of characters that includes lovable pests Lenny and Squiggy (Michael McKean and David L. Lander), the girls experience comedic growing pains as they work to make it on their own.

Next Airings

  • 2/9 11:30AMSquiggy in Love
    "Laverne and Shirley try to help Squiggy by pointing out to him that his latest great looking girlfriend is just using him to help move into and decorate her flat. When they finally confront Squiggy with the news, he tells them he knows he's being used but what chance does a guy like him have with a beautiful girl like that. Of course he does the right thing thanks to his friends and tells the gold digger to get lost."
  • 2/16 11:30AMBus Stop
    "The girls take a bus to a distant city to visit two medical students who leave them stranded."
  • 2/23 11:30AMDriving Test
    "Upon opening their pay checks, Squiggy discovers a letter from Max Shotz himself. He reads it aloud and the gang discovers that Squiggy failed his written driving test and he must retake it this Saturday and pass or lose his truck driver's license and his job."
*available in most MeTV markets


Episode Guide

Episode Guide

Season 1
  • Season 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3
  • Season 4
  • Season 5
  • Season 6
  • Season 7
  • Season 8

Ep 1: The Society Party

Shotz Brewery bottle-cappers and best friends, Laverne DeFazio and Shirley Feeney, are invited by the boss' nephew, Tad Shotz, to the Shotz formal society party. Shirley is excited about going while Laverne finds the invitation insulting.

Ep 2: The Bachelor Party

While Mr. DeFazio is away for a few days, Laverne and Shirley take over running the Pizza Bowl. Later, Fonzie convinces the girls to let him host a wild bachelor party there. This goes against Shirley's better judgement, but Laverne doesn't see any problem with it.

Ep 3: Bowling For Razzberries

Laverne decides to get even with her bowling rival, Karen, at the annual Shotz bowling tournament. However, on the big night she falls ill and takes medication that leaves her "jerky" during the tournament.

Ep 4: A Nun's Story

While Laverne and Shirley await their yearly high school reunion, they reminisce about their old crazy friend, Anne-Marie, who shows up at the reunion a nun.

Ep 5: Falter at the Altar

Laverne suddenly decides to marry her boyfriend, Sal Molina, of only two months before he is sent away by the Navy.

Ep 6: Dog Day Blind Dates

When Laverne and Shirley unwittingly double-date with two criminals intent on robbing the bank next to the Pizza Bowl, the girls find themselves being held as hostages.

Ep 7: Once Upon a Rumor

Shirley's stuck zipper on her skirt leaves for a sticky situation when Lenny witnesses Squiggy with Shirley half-dressed, leading to rumors around Shotz Brewery that Shirley is a "fun date."

Ep 8: One Flew Over Milwaukee

Shirley drives everyone crazy after she loses her pet canary, Dwayne. Laverne and the gang try to get her mind on other things, but nothing seems to help.

Ep 9: Dating Slump

Shirley becomes reclusive and refuses to date after learning that Carmine has a new girlfriend. Eager to help her friend, Laverne plans an evening out—only to have the two girls wind up in a barroom scuffle.

Ep 10: It's the Water

Laverne and Shirley both try out for the new beer tasting position at Shotz Brewery. When Shirley's boss, Wolfgang, gives her the coveted spot, Lenny and Squiggy become concerned that he may have an ulterior motive for giving her the promotion.

Ep 11: Fakeout at the Stakeout

Laverne and Shirley fall victim to a peculiar robber known as the "Milwaukee Masher."

Ep 12: Hi, Neighbor

Just when Laverne and Shirley thought they'd have some peace and quiet, look who moves into the building—Lenny and Squiggy are their new second-floor neighbors!

Ep 13: How Do You Say 'Are You Dead' in German?

Laverne and Shirley panic when a delivery man faints in their living room, and Laverne may have to give the unresponsive guy a little mouth to mouth!

Ep 14: From Suds to Stardom

After losing four talent contests, Laverne and Shirley decide to do something about it.

Ep 15: Mother Knows Worst

Shirley's domineering mother comes for a visit, finding fault with Shirley, her friends and everything else about her daughter's life. It's up to Laverne to set her straight.

Ep 1: Drive! She Said

Laverne has an embarrassing secret: she never learned how to drive! Shirley is ready and willing to give her driving lessons, and Shirley assures her its a cinch.

Ep 2: Angels of Mercy

Laverne and Shirley become hospital volunteers, or "candy stripers," and have a hard time as newbie nurses.

Ep 3: Bachelor Mothers

Date-night drama leads to Lenny and Squggy watching Fonzie's godson for Laverne and Shirley. After the guys give the baby to a man claiming to be its father, chaos ensues when the girls find out.

Ep 4: Excuse Me, May I Cut In?

The girls get Richie and Potsie as partners for a dance contest.

Ep 5: Bridal Shower

Laverne and Shirley get an invitation to a bridal shower, but are afraid to go because they'd be the only unmarried guests.

Ep 6: Look Before You Leap

When Laverne wakes up after a night of heavy drinking wearing a pair of men's boxer shorts, she can't remember what happened and fears she may be pregnant. To keep their friend from a single-mother fate, Lenny and Squiggy draw straws to see who will ask to marry her.

Ep 7: Dear Future Model

Laverne and Shirley decide to become high-fashion models and take a home modeling course.

Ep 8: Good Time Girls

The girls get plenty of offers for dates after Icky Hector puts their names and phone number on several men's room walls.

Ep 9: Two of Our Weirdos Are Missing

Laverne and Shirley discover that Lenny and Squiggy have run off to join the circus. However, it falls to the girls to inform their friends that the ringmaster doesn't want to hire them.

Ep 10: Christmas Eve at the Booby Hatch (aka Oh, Hear the Angel Voices)

Carmine talks the girls into singing at a Christmas show.

Ep 11: Guilty Until Proven Not Innocent

When Laverne is arrested for shoplifting, Shirley tries to get her released.

Ep 12: Anniversary Show

While the girls are stuck at a train station in Canada, the rest of the gang is waiting for them at the Pizza Bowl, ready to throw them a surprise party. To pass the time they sit around and reminisce through flashbacks of scenes from previous episodes.

Ep 13: Playing Hooky

When Laverne and Shirley call in sick so they can have a day of fun, they meet a couple of fellows who may not be what they seem.

Ep 14: Guinea Pigs

The girls become guinea pigs in order to raise money to go to a cocktail party. The tests include Laverne being allowed to sleep for only a few minutes at a time, and Shirley having to eat dirt.

Ep 15: Call Me a Taxi

The girls take jobs as taxi dancers when they get laid off. They end up regretting it when they get mixed up with some sleazy guys.

Ep 16: Steppin' Out

The girls have big dates, but only if they can get themselves together in time—they are constantly interrupted by the likes of Big Rosie Greenbaum, Lenny and Squiggy.

Ep 17: Buddy, Can You Spare a Father?

Shirley goes to a sleazy bar to look for her father.

Ep 18: Honeymoon Hotel

When Shirley wins a vacation at a newlyweds hotel, the girls devise a foolproof plan to trick the hotel staff into letting them in. Unfortunately, it's not so easy and they never get a moment's peace.

Ep 19: Hi, Neighbor Book 2

As Lenny and Squiggy are excitedly preparing for a big date, Laverne and Shirley are anticipating a humdrum Saturday night at home.

Ep 20: Frank's Fling

Laverne asks Lenny, Squiggy and Carmine to dress up as gangsters in order to scare away a gold-digger who wants to marry her father.

Ep 21: Haunted House

Laverne and Shirley go to a supposedly haunted house to buy a couch. Lenny and Squiggy go along for the ride and soon cast members start disappearing one by one.

Ep 22: Lonely at the Middle

Shirley is promoted to supervisor and has the other workers hating her for it.

Ep 23: Citizen Crane

Laverne and Shirley are included in a musical extravaganza by an impresario who promises them fame and fortune.

Ep 1: Airport '59

On their first plane trip, Laverne and Shirley end up as pilots when the real one faints at the controls.

Ep 2: Tag Team Wrestling

Laverne runs afoul of a couple of motorists and nasty words are exchanged. Later, when Laverne and Shirley are ready to compete in Shotz Brewery's wrestling competition, it turns out their opponents are the motorists from earlier that morning!

Ep 3: The Pact

After Laverne and Shirley get into a huge fight when Shirley's new boyfriend asks Laverne out, the girls agree to make a pact swearing never to let a guy come between them again.

Ep 4: Robot Lawsuit

A giant robot attacks Laverne in a toy store, prompting her to sue the toy company.

Ep 5: Laverne's Arranged Marriage

Laverne's father tries to marry her off to a wealthy cheese manufacturer—who turns out to be a mobster!

Ep 6: Cruise: Part 1

Shirley waits anxiously for Laverne to come back from the bank with their savings for a cruise they've been planning. But when Laverne returns she says they have less money than they had thought.

Ep 7: Cruise: Part 2

Laverne and Shirley work as temps to earn money for a cruise. They deal with a bratty boy, but make it long enough to finally get aboard and say bon voyage, only to discover Lenny and Squiggy have snuck on the ship!

Ep 8: Laverne and Shirley Meet Fabian

Although Fabian's concert is sold out, Laverne and Shirley make a bet with Rosie that they will not only get into the show, but also get their photo taken with the singer.

Ep 9: The Stakeout

Carmine is suspected of being a counterfeiter, so the F.B.I. uses Laverne and Shirley's flat as a stakeout to catch him in the act.

Ep 10: Shirley's Operation

Learning that her appendix is about to burst but not wanting to lose her part in "Alice in Wonderland," Shirley hides while the rest of the play's actors try to find her.

Ep 11: Take My Plants, Please

When Laverne and Shirley get laid off, they go to work for themselves selling flowers and plants door to door.

Ep 12: New Years Eve 1959

It is New Year's Eve and Laverne is dumped by her date and Shirley has a cold. Squiggy does his human fly stunt as the countdown to the new year, 1960, arrives.

Ep 13: The Mortician

Laverne has a crush on a mortician who is more interested in her dead than alive. To help her chances of getting to know him better, Laverne asks Shirley to pretend she is dying.

Ep 14: The Horse Show

When Shirley rescues a horse from a glue factory, putting it in her bedroom, she and Laverne desperately search for a new home for the animal.

Ep 15: The Slow Child

When Mrs. Babish's mentally slow daughter, Amy, comes to visit, Lenny takes a liking to her, but almost everyone believes he is simply trying to take advantage of the girl.

Ep 16: The Second Almost Annual Shotz Talent Show

Mr. Shotz wants Laverne and Shirley to find a spot in a talent show for his no-talent nephew.

Ep 17: The Dentist

After Laverne chips her tooth, she, as a favor, allows Shirley's dentist-in-training cousin to repair it. It turns out he's a lousy dentist, but she can't let on because his professor is watching every move he makes.

Ep 18: Bus Stop

Laverne and Shirley find themselves in a jam when they take a bus to a distant city to visit two medical students.

Ep 19: The Driving Test

Squiggy discovers that he has failed his written driving test and must retake it or lose his truck driver's license and his job.

Ep 20: The Obstacle Course

Laverne helps Shirley train for a police cadet obstacle course.

Ep 21: The Debutante Ball

Laverne and Lenny go to a debutantes' ball, at which Lenny learns he is 89th in line for the Polish throne.

Ep 22: 2001: A Comedy Odyssey

Laverne dreams she and Shirley are in their 80s and still living together and still single—and about to marry the octogenarian Lenny and Squiggy!

Ep 23: The Dance Studio

Laverne and Shirley try and help Carmine get financing so he can open his own dance studio.

Ep 24: Breaking Up and Making Up

Laverne and Shirley try to get Frank and Edna back together after they break up when Edna's ex-husband comes to town.

Ep 1: Festival: Part 1

Laverne and Shirley go to New York to visit Laverne's relatives and attend the Italian festival.

Ep 2: Festival: Part 2

Frank tries to win the greased pole climbing contest so he can win a trip to Italy for his mother.

Ep 3: Playing the Roxy

After falling and hitting her head, Shirley believes she is a stripper named Roxy.

Ep 4: The Robbery

Laverne's date with a member of the Purple Fiends street gang goes sour when he robs a grocery store.

Ep 5: The Quiz Show

Laverne and Shirley get selected from the audience to participate in quiz show "Be Silly for Dollars."

Ep 6: Laverne and Shirley Go to Night School

In hopes of becoming a medical assistant, Shirley enrolls in night school and drags Laverne with her. There, they get mixed up with a nutty professor and accidentally destroy a skeleton.

Ep 7: A Date With Eraserhead

Shirley has a blind date with Eraserhead, and it isn't quite what she had in mind.

Ep 8: The Bully Show

Lenny and Squiggy are forced to get Laverne to go on a date with their jerk of a foreman.

Ep 9: A Visit to the Cemetery

Laverne comes to accept the death of her mother and visits her grave for the first time.

Ep 10: Chorus Line

Laverne dreams of going to Broadway when she auditions for 'West Side Story' in Chicago.

Ep 11: Laverne and Shirley Move In

Shirley recalls how she and Laverne first moved in together.

Ep 12: Dinner for Four

Laverne and Shirley meet two guys at the Pizza Bowl and think they have been invited over for dinner, but in reality the girls have been hired as maids for the evening.

Ep 13: It's a Dog's Life

Shirley handcuffs herself to a homeless dog at the pound to protest the animal's impending death.

Ep 14: Oh, Come All Ye Bums

The gang works to raise money for Frank's annual hobo Christmas dinner.

Ep 15: Who's Papa?

Thinking it odd that she is small and brunette when everybody else in her family is tall and blonde, Shirley takes it upon herself to determine whether she was adopted.

Ep 16: The Third Annual Shotz Talent Show

In the third annual Shotz talent show, Laverne and Shirley perform as human puppets.

Ep 17: Supermarket Sweep

When Laverne wins a three-minute supermarket shopping spree, she and Shirley let greed get the better of them with disastrous results.

Ep 18: Lenny's Crush

Lenny falls in love with Laverne after misunderstanding something she said.

Ep 19: Fire Show

After putting out a fire at the apartment, one of the responding firemen falls for Laverne. Soon Shirley finds herself having a crush on the firefighter, and the girls' friendship is put to the test.

Ep 20: Squiggy in Love

When Squiggy begins dating a beautiful woman, Laverne and Shirley know they must break the news to him that he's being used.

Ep 21: The Feminine Mistake

Laverne asks Shirley how to be more feminine so she can impress Joey. This leads to a froufrou Laverne acting like a Southern belle.

Ep 22: The Tenants Are Revolting

Laverne and Shirley believe they are doing a good deed by calling in a building inspector, until Mrs. Babish is given a deadline by which repairs are to be made.

Ep 23: Spy in My Beer

After no one believes Laverne saw an industrial spy in the brewery, she and Shirley embark on a late-night stakeout to catch the spy.

Ep 24: Shirley and the Older Man

Shirley's friendship with a rich older man is resented by Carmine, who is jealous, and the man's daughter, Adelle, is suspicious of Shirley's intentions.

Ep 1: Shotgun Wedding

The girls get engaged to Richie and Fonzie to avoid a shotgun wedding.

Ep 2: One Heckuva Note

Shirley finds an old love note behind the stove written to Laverne from Carmine. This practically ends the girls' friendship.

Ep 3: Fat City Holiday

The girls get jobs at a weight loss camp.

Ep 4: Upstairs, Downstairs

A fight over returning a wrongly issued check results in the girls dreaming about Shirley in Heaven and Laverne in Hell.

Ep 5: What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor?

Shirley's brother returns home from the Navy an alcoholic.

Ep 6: You've Pushed Me Too Far

Lenny refuses to have anything to do with Squiggy after his pal pushes him into a garbage can from their second floor apartment window.

Ep 7: The Wedding

Edna accepts a marriage proposal from Frank, who waited until the last minute to pop the question.

Ep 8: Bad Girls

Laverne and Shirley's old club has switched from revelry to robbery.

Ep 9: You're in the Army, Now: Part 1

Laverne and Shirley enlist in the Women's Army Corps to get even for a missed promotion.

Ep 10: You're in the Army, Now: Part 2

Thinking they had a clever idea at first, Laverne and Shirley now regret joining the Women's Army Corps.

Ep 11: Take Two, They're Small

Lenny and Squiggy fix Laverne and Shirley up with computer dates who turn out to be midgets.

Ep 12: The Fourth Annual Shotz Talent Show

Mr. Shotz wants a patriotic theme for his annual talent show. Laverne and Shirley work to make this happen while adding their own flair to the event.

Ep 13: Testing, Testing

When Mr. Shotz hires a psychiatrist to evaluate employee aptitude, the gang is terrified that their inadequacies are going to be revealed.

Ep 14: Not Quite South of the Border

Laverne and Shirley arrive in New Mexico for a vacation, finding that half of their hotel room is missing and that they have to share the space with another guest.

Ep 15: You Oughta Be in Pictures

The girls jump at the chance to be the stars in a movie, unaware that the film they will be starring in is an Army hygiene film.

Ep 16: The Beatnik Show

After being introduced to beatnik culture, Shirley begins wearing black, moping around and complaining that nothing is "cool" anymore.

Ep 17: The Right to Light

To protest a bill they believe to be inaccurate, Laverne and Shirley chain themselves inside the gas company building, little knowing that another disgruntled customer has planted a bomb there.

Ep 18: Why Did the Fireman...

Laverne and a fireman fall in love, but before he can propose to her he dies in the line of duty.

Ep 19: The Collector

Laverne and Shirley try to talk Carmine out of going to work for a loan shark.

Ep 20: Murder on the Moosejaw Express: Part 1

While on a train heading to Canada, Laverne and Shirley end up in the middle of espionage—murder!

Ep 21: Murder on the Moosejaw Express: Part 2

While on a train heading to Canada, Laverne and Shirley end up in the middle of espionage—murder!

Ep 22: Survival Test

Sergeant Alvina Plout has Laverne and Shirley compete against men in a survivalist outing.

Ep 23: The Duke of Squiggmann

When Squiggy begins assuming the identity of a rich duke while sleepwalking, Lenny tries to get his pal psychological help.

Ep 24: Antonio, the Amazing

Laverne's distant Italian cousin, Antonio, has come to America seeking his fortune. Trouble is, he's not good at many things.

Ep 25: The Diner

When Lenny inherits a greasy spoon diner, he hires Laverne and Shirley to cook and waitress. The girls find the job to be more than they can handle and Shirley ends up running out the door screaming in frustration.

Ep 26: Seperate Tables

Shirley tries to cure Laverne of her fear of being alone.

Ep 1: Not Quite New York

After being fired from the brewery, Laverne and Shirley decide to pack up and move out to California.

Ep 2: Welcome to Burbank

Now in California in a new apartment, Laverne and Shirley are ready to return to Milwaukee after just one night: Not only do they learn that Lenny and Squiggy have moved in downstairs, an earthquake shakes their decision to live in a new locale.

Ep 3: Studio City

Excited about their first job in Hollywood, Laverne and Shirley have landed a gig as stunt women in a movie. However, when it comes time to perform the stunt in question, the girls have second thoughts.

Ep 4: Grand Opening

In order to pay Shirley back some of the money she owes her, Laverne agrees to be the target in Sonny's knife throwing act. But when Sonny breaks his arm, Shirley takes over throwing the knives.

Ep 5: Candy is Dandy

When Laverne and Shirley get jobs as gift wrappers at Bardwell's Department Store, Laverne gets tipsy on the first day after eating candy laced with alcohol.

Ep 6: The Dating Game

Lenny and Squiggy appear on television show 'The Dating Game' with predictably wacky results! The gang back home tries to get a good picture on Laverne and Shirley's small TV set by wrapping tin foil around the antennas and holding hands.

Ep 7: The Other Woman

Shirley finally gets to date a doctor. The trouble is she looks exactly like his old wife.

Ep 8: The Road to Burbank

There is a dispute over who should pay the bill when Lenny and Squiggy trash a hotel room and try to blame it on Laverne and Shirley. Both parties tell a different version of what happened that night.

Ep 9: Born Too Late

Lenny and Squiggy imagine they are heroes saving damsels in distress at various points throughout history.

Ep 10: Love Out the Window

After learning that Laverne fears for his safety, Sonny quits his job as a stuntman and takes a job selling insurance.

Ep 11: Malibu Mansion

When Laverne and Shirley are hired to housesit for a wealthy restaurant owner, they throw a party which gets out of hand. Able to get the house back in order in time, a talking parrot is all that stands between the girls and a clean getaway.

Ep 12: To Tell the Truth

Stuck at home on a rainy night, the gang decides to play truth or dare. Within minutes, everybody is arguing with each other.

Ep 13: I Do, I Do

The girls almost marry two rock stars from Britain after eating brownies laced with marijuana.

Ep 14: But Seriously, Folks...

The gang accompanies Carmine to his debut as a standup comedian. The routine isn't a hit with his friends, however, when he begins making fun of them.

Ep 15: The Bardwell Caper: Part 1

Disappointed after not receiving the customary trimonthly $5 raise, Laverne and Shirley write a nasty letter to their boss. At the end of the day, it is revealed that they did get a raise, and the nasty letter is sitting unopened on their boss' desk.

Ep 16: The Bardwell Caper: Part 2

Disappointed after not receiving the customary trimonthly $5 raise, Laverne and Shirley write a nasty letter to their boss. At the end of the day, it is revealed that they did get a raise, and the nasty letter is sitting unopened on their boss' desk.

Ep 17: High Priced Dates

Laverne and Shirley turn to Edna for advice when their dates expect "rewards."

Ep 18: Fifth Anniversary

Laverne and Shirley throw Frank and Edna a fifth wedding anniversary party at their trailer, which has a broken trailer jack. The whole gang is gathered around at Frank and Edna's to watch TV, but the floor keeps moving and nobody can get a moment's peace!

Ep 19: Out, Out Damned Plout

Sgt. Plout goes AWOL and decides to hide out at Laverne and Shirley's apartment.

Ep 20: Laverne's Broken Leg

Missing a party because of her broken leg, Laverne sits at home watching 'It's a Wonderful Life' on television. Falling asleep, she dreams what life would have been like for her friends and family had she never been born.

Ep 21: Sing, Sing, Sing

Laverne asks Carmine to give her singing lessons so she can sing on Hoot Night at Cowboy Bill's.

Ep 22: Child's Play

Because of Squiggy's forgetfulness, Laverne and Shirley must play all the parts in Shirley's play, 'Murder in Mother Goose Land,' which a Broadway producer attends.

Ep 1: The Most Important Day Ever

Laverne and Shirley appear on television as part of a Latvian acrobatic act to help Lenny and Squiggy's new talent agency.

Ep 2: It Only Hurts When I Breathe

Laverne and Shirley recall their high school days only to find themselves embroiled in a slugfest that leaves Laverne with a broken jaw.

Ep 3: I Wonder What Became of Sal?

Laverne's old boyfriend, Sal, comes to California looking for her. Sal is now a successful businessman and he once again proposes to Laverne.

Ep 4: Teenage Lust

Shirley discovers her date is only 19 when he's carded for beer at Cowboy Bill's. She tries to end it there, but she and Laverne end up going to his frat party.

Ep 5: The Defiant One

Shirley finds herself mistakenly handcuffed to a bank robber, who takes her with him as he escapes from the police.

Ep 6: Night at the Awards

When Lenny and Squiggy invade the backstage of a televised awards show, they suddenly find themselves on stage with Joey Heatherton.

Ep 7: Some Enchanted Earring

Laverne accidentally loses one of her mother's diamond earrings.

Ep 8: Moving In

Laverne moves in with her new boyfriend, but after having a talk with Lenny she begins to have second thoughts.

Ep 9: Friendly Persuasion

While wrapping in Bardwell's one day, Charles Grodin comes in and chats to the girls. Laverne mistakingly thinks he's asking her out and she invites him over for dinner.

Ep 10: I Do, I Don't

Shirley tries to get Carmine to marry her after she is provided with a free wedding reception.

Ep 11: Love Is the Tar Pits

When Lenny starts dating a girl, Squiggy begins to feel left out.

Ep 12: Watch the Fur Fly

After Shirley yells at Rhonda for wearing a coat made of animal fur, Laverne unknowingly sets Shirley up on a date with a furrier.

Ep 13: Rocky Ragu

Carmine is up for a part in the life story of boxer Rocky Manicotti. In order to get the role he must not only impress with his acting, but also with his boxing skills.

Ep 14: Star Peepers

After a famous singer is extremely rude to them at Bardwell's, Laverne and Shirley decide to exact revenge by snapping incriminating photos and selling them to a tabloid.

Ep 15: An Affair to Forget

Trouble is brewing for Laverne when she unwittingly begins dating a married man.

Ep 16: Whatever Happened to the Class of '56?

Laverne, Shirley and Carmine go back to Milwaukee to attend their high school reunion. They discover that the gang back home thinks the girls are famous movie stars and Carmine a famous Las Vegas singer.

Ep 17: Ski Show

Not meeting the right guys at singles bars, Laverne and Shirley decide to look for men on a ski trip.

Ep 18: Helmut Weekend

Squiggy's long-lost father returns to spend time with his son as the gang is preparing to put on another nutty play.

Ep 19: That's Entertainment

Frank and Carmine argue about whether today's music is better or worse than the music of yesteryear.

Ep 20: Lightning Man

Carmine goes out on a limb—literally—to perform a "Lightning Man" stunt, with Squiggy acting as his agent.

Ep 21: Crime Isn't Pretty

Frank and Carmine set up booby traps in Laverne and Shirley's apartment in an attempt to catch a burglar.

Ep 22: Perfidy in Blue

Feeling guilty for losing Laverne's favorite purse and then lying about it, Shirley dreams that her friend is trying to kill her to get even.

Ep 1: The Mummy's Bride

Shirley marries Walter Meeney at a VA hospital. The bride is dressed in white, and so is the groom—white bandages from head to toe!

Ep 2: Window on Main Street

The girls agree to live in Bardwell's main show window for a weekend in order to demonstrate the "house of the future."

Ep 3: The Note

Laverne gets upset when she finds a short note from Shirley stating that she and her new husband are moving overseas.

Ep 4: Lost in Spacesuits

Desperate for money, Laverne is offered a job at Ajax Aerospace by one of Frank's old Army buddies.

Ep 5: The Playboy Show

Waiting tables at Cowboy Bill's, Laverne is approached by Rhonda, who asks her to pick up a Playboy Bunny application form for her and suggests that she fill out one for herself as well.

Ep 6: Death Row: Part 1

Laverne unwittingly befriends a group of bank robbers and gets caught up in the heist.

Ep 7: Death Row: Part 2

While waiting to be booked at the police station for the bank robbery, Laverne and her new "friend" are mistaken for murderers.

Ep 8: Jinxed

When Laverne is convinced that she is jinxed after refusing to answer a chain letter, her friends send a "gypsy" to help her.

Ep 9: Of Mice and Men

Laverne's plan to restore her cowardly boyfriend's self-confidence backfires.

Ep 10: The Gymnast

Laverne is convinced that the former trapeze artist she's been dating is out to kill her.

Ep 11: The Monastery Show

Laverne is allowed to stay at a convent for a couple of weeks, but she soon gets on the Mother Superior's bad side when she has trouble keeping a vow of silence.

Ep 12: Defective Ballet

Squiggy is mistaken for a Russian ballet dancer who is trying to defect to the United States.

Ep 13: The Baby Show

While Laverne is at a funeral home with pregnant Sgt. Plout, her baby decides it's time to come into the world.

Ep 14: Rock 'n' Roll Show

Laverne talks her wacky friend, Chuck, into forming his own band after he plays Beethoven on his harmonica.

Ep 15: The Fashion Show

Jealous of all the beautiful girls with whom her new photographer boyfriend works, Laverne goes to a fashion show and ends up being one of his models, wearing a huge hat that resembles the Liberty Bell!

Ep 16: Short on Time

Edna leaves Frank and, dejected, he goes to Laverne's apartment to talk. Before he can tell his daughter of his woes, she asks him to babysit her pet chimp and runs out the door.

Ep 17: Ghost Story

Laverne and the gang hold a seance to rid her apartment of a ghost that has taken up residence there.

Ep 18: Please Don't Feed the Buzzards

Lenny and Squiggy find a treasure map and convince Frank and Carmine to go with them to search for gold. While in the desert, the boys have a chance for some male bonding and other adventures—like seeing a mirage of an Arabian woman in the midst of their heat and thirst.

Ep 19: How's Your Sister?

Squiggy's bizarre sister, Squendolyn, arrives for a visit and ends up moving in with Laverne and falling for Carmine.

Ep 20: Do the Carmine

Carmine's on top of the world when his new single, "Do the Carmine," tops the charts. After a week in the limelight, however, he is branded a communist and his dreams of stardom are shattered.

Ep 21: Councilman DeFazio

Frank is making his usual contribution to his local councilman. After the guy has taken Frank's money, he tells him that he plans to tear down Cowboy Bill's and build a high-rise on top of it.

Ep 22: Here Today, Hair Tomorrow

Frustrated with life in California, Carmine decides to move to New York and try to land a part on Broadway.