Enough of this ''and'' business. It's time to choose: Laverne OR Shirley?

There can only be one!

 CBS Television Distribution

Be honest: If you had to choose between Laverne and Shirley, who would you pick? We've decided to settle the matter in this poll! We've listed some activities, and you've got to decide whether you'd rather have Laverne or Shirley by your side!

Watch Laverne & Shirley on MeTV!

Sundays at 11:30 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Who would you rather have as a best friend?
  2. Who would you want on your side in an argument?
  3. Who would you rather go on a road trip with?
  4. Who would you want to go on a double date with?
  5. Who would you rather help you study for a big test?
  6. Who would you rather swap wardrobes with?
  7. Who would you rather share a meal with?
  8. Who would you rather have as a roommate?
  9. Who would you rather play on a game show with?
  10. Who would you rather start a band with?

Enough of this ''and'' business. It's time to choose: Laverne OR Shirley?

Your Result...

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8176Morgan 1 month ago
80% similar. Love Shirley but not so much Laverne. So I ended up with a high score.
DK 1 month ago
30%. I chose Laverne for all but one.
John111911Smith 1 month ago
60% Similar. Guess I favored Laverne a little too much.
In many situations, Laverne always seemed fearless, a trait that I like.
ElizabethBoop 1 month ago
Dinner with Laverne? Okay, I'll try milk and Pepsi one time....
DaisyDuke67 1 month ago
I got 20% similiar because I picked Laverne all the way through. I love Laverne she was so funny.
She was. She always tried to pull Shirley out of her ‘shell’.
JayBurd 1 month ago
30% Laverne seems like she'd be a lot of fun and get into trouble...like me when I was young.
MikefromJersey JayBurd 1 month ago
I agree, she's got spirit, and like Mary Richards, spunk. And I couldn't tell you exactly
why, but she has a certain allure. You can keep Miss Crump or Ginger, as you noted
Laverne would be a lot of fun on a date.
JayBurd MikefromJersey 1 month ago
Yeah,she's a bit on the risque side for sure. Lots fun at the drive-in theater.😲😂👍🥖
justjeff 1 month ago
70% similar... but I would *never* swap wardrobes with *anyone*...😋
bmoore4026 1 month ago
40% similar. I just like Laverne more.
gbell 1 month ago
20%. Apparently I’d prefer to do everything with Laverne. LOL
I didn’t really want to swap clothes but if I gotta do it…. 😆
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