Lenny? Or Squiggy?

Also, do you find them annoying?

 CBS Television Distribution

Two loveable goofs with the initials "L" and "S"? This show's got a pair of pairs like that!

We want to test how much you know about perennial pests Lenny and Squiggy. We'll ask a few questions, you'll give a few answers, everybody will have a great time. Ready? 

Be sure to share your score and your favorite of the duo in our comments section below!

Watch Laverne & Shirley on MeTV!

Sundays at 11:30 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Which one has the last name "Kosnowski"?
  2. Which character is played by actor Michael McKean?
  3. Who has the real first name "Andrew"?
  4. Which character was abandoned by his mom on his fifth birthday?
  5. Which character has a father named Helmut?
  6. Who has a moth collection?
  7. Who is 89th in line for the Polish throne?
  8. Which one has a stuffed iguana named Jeffrey?
  9. Who has "Lone Wolf" emblazoned on his jacket?
  10. Which one is more fond of Laverne?

Lenny? Or Squiggy?

Your Result...

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KJExpress 3 days ago
7/10. I'm rather glad I didn't ace this one.
sjbang88 5 days ago
3/10 I am extremely proud of that score, since I didn't then, and I don't now want to know anything about Lenny and Squiggy. They were annoying.
Tresix 6 days ago
6/10. Hello! That episode where Laverne thought she was pregnant and Lenny proposed to her almost made me cry.
Guinness 6 days ago
8/10 I find the pair annoying but funny 🤣
Dario 7 days ago
8 out of 10; git numbers 4 & 6 wrong. 😁😁😁😁😁
WordsmithWorks 7 days ago
The pair were definitely a bit dense, but both had hearts of gold.
italianrose74 7 days ago
🎶Night after Night! 🎶

“We are Lenny and The Squigtones, He’s Lenny and I’m the Squigtone”
BenSobeleone 7 days ago
At Fonzie's fake funeral on an episode of Happy Days, Squiggy said "We'll miss you Fonz. You was the nicest guy whatever beat me up."
Zip 7 days ago

One of the reasons I didn't really get into Laverne and Shirley all that much was because I never liked Lenny and Squiggy.
I really should rewatch some episodes and see if my attitudes have changed towards them. Maybe they'll grow on me... like some greasy pimple.
Bapa1 Zip 7 days ago
So, it's a 'pop' culture thing.
Dario Zip 7 days ago
Dario Bapa1 7 days ago
ClassicTVRocks 8 days ago
10/10 I know My Lenny and Squiggy!!! I don't find Them annoying, They're Both Adorable and Funny in a sick, sick way... I Like it, I Like it... Lol 😆😂
BrittReid 9 days ago
Annoying isn't the word. More like unwatchable.
tinkparker 9 days ago
4/10 :(
Crisco tinkparker 6 days ago
I didnt do very well either even though i watched the show.i like your Profile pic of Ms Kitty.Gunsmoke was a good show.
Snickers 9 days ago
7/10. Always wondered why they never got a show of their own.
Bapa1 Snickers 7 days ago
Because it would have gotten lower ratings than Joanie Loves Chachi. ( Squiggy Loves Lenny?)
Snickers Bapa1 7 days ago
Don't think anything could get lower ratings than Joanie Loves Chachi
Bapa1 Snickers 6 days ago
Blansky's Beauties?
Snickers Bapa1 5 days ago
Yea, kind of bad but Man from Atlantis with Patrick Duffy only lasted about five episodes and was really bad.
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