80s Horror: Can you match the movie icon to the correct franchise?

Match the slasher!

 The Everett Collection

Let's see how well you know your horror from the '80s!

Was this the best decade of horror? That's debatable, but here's what isn't: Some of the most iconic characters come from this era. So, time to put your knowledge to the test with this handy quiz.

We'll name the horror character, you tell us what franchise they're from! Ready? Good luck! Be sure to share your score in the comments section below!

  1. Pinhead
  2. Freddy Kreuger
  3. Chucky
  4. Stripe
  5. David
  6. Seth Brundle
  7. Jerry Dandrige
  8. Malachai
  9. Ash Williams
  10. Herbert West

80s Horror: Can you match the movie icon to the correct franchise?

Your Result...

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KJExpress 2 hours ago
6/10. I should've quit while I was ahead. No surprise though. I don't care for horror and I haven't seen many of these movies. 🙈
Ernie 3 hours ago
7/10 One two Freddy's coming for you. Three four better lock the door. Awesome. Scary movie
Poolboy13 3 hours ago
You got 8 out of 10
Phew! You know your stuff, and escaped with your life! Whew,what a relief! I tawt i taw a putty tat- what,sorry wrong quiz🥸
Jacki Poolboy13 2 hours ago
KingDinosaur 4 hours ago
10 / 10. I'm not a fan of post-1970s horror films, but I absorbed names from merchandising. When you are searching for classic Universal Monsters and American International Pictures creature related stuff you have to wade through a ton of modern properties like the above quiz list and now "Terrifier" with Art the Clown.
Jacki 5 hours ago
6/10 a lot of guesses.
Jacki Poolboy13 2 hours ago
I rather the classic black and white scary movies like Dracula, Frankenstein, and I can't forget Young Frankenstein (no that's Frankensteen).😄
Jacki Poolboy13 2 hours ago
Ooh, I need the edit button. lol☺️ I forgot the ones I like the best...The Wolfman movies with Lon Chaney Jr.
Poolboy13 Jacki 1 hour ago
you know,when i was younger i was on a bus to see a friend who lived a rural area. i was talking to a girl who liked horror movies. i said i liked dracula,frankenstein,etc. and she was like "oh those old movies arent scary" well that was the end of that she picked up a conversation with some other guy and they about jason or freddie or something. Abby somebody.
Jacki Poolboy13 1 hour ago
I don't care for what I call those "slice and dice" movies like they have listed in this quiz. I'll take the classics; they're the best. Those other ones are too gory for me. And the classic movies were scary but in a way that let everyone use their imagination and they had storylines to them. Those gory ones are just all gore and no storyline to them. I hope I don't sound like a movie critic. Lol😄😉
Jacki Poolboy13 11 minutes ago
I hope you don't mind me commenting...but that was very rude what that girl did. She had no class at all.
Snickers 5 hours ago
6/10 More of a classic sci-fi guy than horror fan
Ratt1959 5 hours ago
7/10 Even though I have all the films, I couldn't remember some people's names.
Big3Fan 5 hours ago
Three. Nightmare on Saint Joe Street: The Sequel.
rahaindy 5 hours ago
7/10 and not a fan of the genre. Guessed on all.
teire 6 hours ago
7/10. Better than I would expect considering I don’t like being scared.
MrsPhilHarris 7 hours ago
6/10 Lots of guesses. 😳
Jacki MrsPhilHarris 5 hours ago
Me too and I scored the same.☺️
MrsPhilHarris Jacki 3 hours ago
I’ve not even heard of some of those movies.
Jacki MrsPhilHarris 2 hours ago
Me too. I rather the black and white scary movies.
KJExpress Jacki 2 hours ago
That makes three of us. 😉
Jacki KJExpress 1 hour ago
Nothing can beat those. They're the best in my opinion.☺️
MrsPhilHarris Jacki 1 hour ago
I like them too. Not too scary. Just fun.
LarryDallas 7 hours ago
8/10 What's the name of your favorite scary movie?
Probably “The Ghost And Mr. Chicken “.
"And they used Bon Ami"
That was a great line! I love that movie. 👻
WordsmithWorks 8 hours ago
5/10. The first four were easy and gave me false confidence. After that, I crashed and burned, pulling out one lucky guess. I guess I'm more of a comedy person.
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