Answer these job interview questions and we’ll tell you where you would work in Mayberry

Would you work in the sheriff’s office, the barbershop, the filling station or maybe as the county clerk?

 CBS Television Distribution

The Andy Griffith Show introduced millions of people to the quaint little town of Mayberry, North Carolina. The show’s endearing legacy continues to this day because of the joy that the town and its quirky residents bring to viewers all over the world.

Any fan of the classic sitcom has likely imagined themselves living in Mayberry alongside Andy, Barney, Aunt Bee, Floyd and the rest. Let’s say you found a nice place to live in town. Now it’s time to find a job!

Answer these interview questions and we’ll tell you where you would work in Mayberry!

Watch The Andy Griffith Show on MeTV!

Weeknights at 8 & 8:30, Sundays at 12 & 6 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Let’s start with general questions. Is the majority of your work experience in the public or private sector?
  2. Would you rather start your own business or work for an established company?
  3. What would you like to wear on the job?
  4. Which of these industries interests you most?
  5. What do you look for most in a position?
  6. Which strength stands out as your best?
  7. How do you approach rules and procedures on the job?
  8. What hours would you like to work?
  9. What do you find most rewarding about a job?
  10. Which Mayberry character reminds you of a coworker you've had?

Answer these job interview questions and we’ll tell you where you would work in Mayberry

Your Result...

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Lenny 2 months ago
An entertainer! Love playing the guitar and singing!
Bret 2 months ago
You would be fix-it store owner!
MOT1970 26 months ago
Sheriff! When I was in the Air Force, I was Security Police. I now work in the logistics industry.
John111911Smith 29 months ago
Me, a County Clerk? Really? I don't think so Howard.
vinman63 30 months ago
I'm Howard Sprague, can't see anymore person more annoying than him except maybe the cast of Full House or Urkel.
BorisK 30 months ago
Hmmmm.... I love this site but they need to get back to trivia on these quizzies. I turned out to be a mixture of Howard Sprague dressed as Ellie who ocassionally goes Otis.
RichLorn 30 months ago
By changing one answer I morphed from Emmett Clark to Helen Krump. I can't think of two more polar opposites. One is attractive, intelligent, always helpful, and liked by children. The other teaches school.
greasedaily 30 months ago
eccentric entrepeneur ? well then..........
Zip 30 months ago
A chef??!
I say I like to work outside and they give me a job as a chef?!

Guess I'd better fire up the grill.
kirkindog 30 months ago
Wow! The survey said I would be a sheriff which is what I did for real.
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