Are these real episode titles for Gilligan's Island or did we make them up?
Is "Home Sweet Hut," a real episode or did we just make that up?

Image credit: The Everett Collection
Gilligan's Island had many iconic and hilarious episodes in its three seasons. Many fans of the show may already know all the names to every episode title, but for those that don't, this quiz may be a little hard.
Can you tell if these are real episode titles on Gilligan's Island? Test your knowledge of Gilligan's Island episodes below! Good luck!

"Home Sweet Hut"
"President Gilligan"
"Six on a Raft"
"Gilligan Meets Jungle Boy"
"Gilligan's got an Emergency!"
"Little Island, Big Trouble"
"Goodbye Old Paint"
"Mr. and Mrs. ???"
"The Sinking Ship"
"V for Vitamins"
"Buggin' Out"
"Feed the Kitty"

Are these real episode titles for Gilligan's Island or did we make them up?
Your Result...
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Gilligans Island - SS Minnow

Gilligans Island - Professor

Gilligans Island - Drinks

Gilligans Island - SS Minnow

Gilligans Island - SS Minnow

Gilligans Island - Drinks

Another Gilligan's Island quiz I thought I would ace, but they had a couple tricky ones in there. Good going, MeTV staff!
Another Gilligan's Island quiz I thought I would ace, but they had a couple tricky ones in there. Good going, MeTV staff!
I haven’t seen Gilligans island for quite a while, but I used to be the president of a Gilligans Island fab club in the 1980s
8/12…Wow! That was tougher than I thought 😆