Are these sitcoms unfairly underrated - or are they truly awful?

The worst of the worst... or maybe not?


Please, hold your applause.

We've done everyone a favor by scouring the internet, searching for the so-called worst sitcoms of all time. This is, of course, to save you from having to do the same. You can thank us later. 

Here's what we want to know: Do you recall anything about these shows? Did they leave a bad taste in your mouth? Are they really the worst of all time?! Or are they maybe, in your opinion, a little bit underrated?

We're hoping to start a conversation about the worst of the worst here in the comments section, so tell us how you feel! Maybe we missed your least favorite show of all time. Let us know! 

  1. My Mother the Car
  2. The Flying Nun
  3. AfterMASH
  4. Ferris Bueller
  5. The Hathaways
  6. Joanie Loves Chachi
  7. Out of This World
  8. She's the Sheriff
  9. Small Wonder
  10. Baby Talk

Are these sitcoms unfairly underrated - or are they truly awful?

Your Result...

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osurickbee 15 days ago
The only one I have a strong opinion on is The Flying Nun. Yeah, her gimmick was silly, but the underlying stories are usually pretty good even though they had to shoehorn her schtick into each episode somehow. Lots of great '60's guest stars too!
WVsassy 2 months ago
My Mother the Car was before I was born, but I’ve seen a rerun, and I can’t believe it ever got the go ahead. My mom summed it up the best.. “It was stupid”.
tootsieg 2 months ago
78%. Most of the shows I did not remember.
bsantaniello 2 months ago
48% similar. I remember reading that MyZmother the car was rated worst tv show ever. It was a bit corny but I watched it as a kid.
StrayCat bsantaniello 2 months ago
This was one of Jerry Van Dykes terrible choices. He actually was the first choice to play Gilligan on Gilligan's island but instead opted for My mother, the Car
TijuanaSlim 9 months ago
IIRC: Out of this World, She's the Sheriff, and Small Wonder were all First run syndication... so I'm not wholly shocked a lot of people don't remember them (in my market they were Saturday @ 5?, Saturday at 1-ish; and Sunday? Morning respectively)

Baby Talk, I remember for 3 reasons
1. because "the Mom" in the image (Mary Page Keller) is/was one of those actors who has a new series every season and just never seems to find a Hit..
2. it was Clearly inspired by Look Who's Talking
3. I don't remember the reasons but the series Started with Julia Duffy (Newhart) and George Clooney... and it was re-booted after 12 episodes with Keller and Baio (and whole new cast save for the Baby; and Danza as the baby's thought voice)
*for 30 odd years I always thought it was a 'knock off'... but getting my facts in order for this post (I could have swore Duffy was the replacement mom) but it shares several writers and names with Film characters so now I'm confused as to why it was 'baby talk' and Not 'Look Who's Talking: the Series"
Amalthea 9 months ago
My actual takes:
1. I know OF it...but have never watched it.
2. Not so bad, but the fact that Sally Field hated it kind of takes the bloom off the rose.
3. Truly terrible.
4. I didn't watch it so I can't say.
5. Actually never heard of it.
6. I watched an episode or wasn't terrible, but it certainly wasn't good.
7. This show was so cute. I liked it.
8. I actually liked it.
9. Yes, it's bad...but it was kind of cute.
10. This was bad. Not terrible...but bad.
4thtroika 11 months ago
Some of these I do remember, I just never saw them. So it was hard for me to answer.
Lilly777 11 months ago
56% similar. Ya'll don't remember Small Wonder? Man, are you lucky!
Rob Lilly777 11 months ago
I do remember it, it was bad!
JimmyAngel 12 months ago
86% Didn’t remember most of these tv shows, except The Flying Nun
Catman 12 months ago
Some candidates I remember:
"It's About Time" Joe E. Ross and Imogene Coca play the cave family hosting US astronauts who accidentally land in the dim past. Horrible, sure, but Joe E. Ross and Imogene Coca were funny and had great chemistry.
"Grindl" again, Imogene Coca couldn't pull this one up, given that it played opposite Sullivan. She played a domestic worker from a temporary work service.
"I'm Dickens, He's Fenster." Marty Ingles and John Astin starred. I loved it but the rest of America disagreed.
"The Pruitts of Southhampton" starred Phyllis Diller as head of a once wealthy family whose sudden poverty is kept a secret by the IRS to avoid economic panic. Great character actors, (Phyllis, Lisa Loring, Richard Deacon, Marty Ingles and John Astin) could not rescue this ridiculous premise.
tootsieg Catman 2 months ago
I remember these shows. My father was a carpenter so we watched Dickens and Fenster.
spence2054 12 months ago
"Best of the West" is not mentioned and it was actually funny. It was only on a couple of seasons; I suppose the premise was limited.
spence2054 12 months ago
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Iknownothink 12 months ago
The Jeffersons, Good Times, Sanford and Son and the Cosby show are all classics, I don't know the other two you mention, so can you fill me in about this trend you're referring too?
MikefromJersey 12 months ago
I think we both know where this guy is coming from. Click on his name and check out
his first post:
"I ain't much for the coloreds music".
Plus the creepy ones regarding taking minors Jan and Marcia to "pound town",
and Aunt bee doing...forget it. I'm sure this is just the start of even worse.
Instead of MeTV, perhaps he'd be happier on the LoveMyKKKtv network.
Hopefully he will go away as everybody who now posts on these boards seem like nice
people with a good sense of humor.
soonersjlg 12 months ago
That you are a racist.
jimmyvici 12 months ago
I didn’t even use the middle answer once. They were either bad or unheard of for me 🤷🏽‍♂️
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