Are these Twilight Zone episode titles or the names of seasonal candles?
Do you watch or smell these titles?

The evolution of candles will be forever ongoing. Each year, stores like Yankee Candle and Bath & Body Works release new fall scents for their beloved candles. Of course there are classic scents like spiced pumpkin and autumn, but these days there can be a scent for just about anything!
It's the perfect season for candles, and because there's so many to choose from nowadays, it's time to blend them with another fall and spooky season staple. The Twilight Zone.
With endless creative ways to name a fall scent in 2022, along with candle names in general, perhaps there is a little overlap between the fine-smelling bricks of wax and the anthology series.
Do these titles belong to an episode of The Twilight Zone, or to a 2022 fall scented candle from Yankee Candle/Bath & Body Works?
Is "Witches' Brew" an episode of The Twilight Zone, or a scented candle?
Is "The Midnight Sun" an episode of The Twilight Zone, or a scented candle?
Is "The Lonely" an episode of The Twilight Zone, or a scented candle?
Is "Harvest Gathering " an episode of The Twilight Zone, or a scented candle?
Is "Dust" an episode of The Twilight Zone, or a scented candle?
Is "Elegy" an episode of The Twilight Zone, or a scented candle?
Is "Mystic Moon" an episode of The Twilight Zone, or a scented candle?
Is "Still Valley" an episode of The Twilight Zone, or a scented candle?
Is "Leaves" an episode of The Twilight Zone, or a scented candle?
Is "Tranquil Garden" an episode of The Twilight Zone, or a scented candle?

Are these Twilight Zone episode titles or the names of seasonal candles?
Your Result...
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I save money by burning my candles at both ends.
I saw him once DJ-ing an event in Miami... and frankly, I didn't care for his constant interruption of the records...
And in case you were wondering, the other two parts of my screen name, "nez" is for Michael Nesmith (my favorite Monkee) and 82 is my birth year.
82 is your birth year?... Well, don't I feel ancient now! My avatar photo was taken a decade before you were born!
I hate to "wax" philosophic, but I do get a bit "wick"-ed about my favorite Twilight Zone episodes, and can have a real "melt"-down if they don't run those favorites quickly enough. "Candle" you believe it?
I know you might say 'don't "glow" there'... but I can't help myself... I'm a "torch"-ered soul!