Are you an expert on Loretta Swit's screen career?

Do you remember where else you've seen the M*A*S*H actress?


No matter where you caught her on television, Loretta Swit was always easy to spot with her signature blonde hair and infectious smile. With a career that spans across television, movies, and theater, she's made it clear that she could do just about anything. 

Swit trained at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, where she learned to sing — and, wow, what a voice! — and act for the stage. Her commitment to the craft helped her gain access to some of the most influential people in the business, even landing her some one-on-one coaching with Off-Broadway pioneer Gene Frankel in New York City.

Has all of the work that Swit put into her career been embedded in your brain? We want to know if you are a Swit career expert. Give it a try and good luck!

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  1. Which is Loretta Swit's first onscreen acting credit?
  2. In 1975, you could catch Swit singing and dancing in this TV adaptation of a musical. Which musical was Swit cast in?
  3. True of False: The origin of the nickname "Hot Lips" is explicitly explained in both the novel and the film versions of M*A*S*H, but not the TV series.
  4. Of these three Westerns, on which show did Swit NOT have a role?
  5. Swit is the originator of this popular '80s female detective. She may have starred in the TV movie as this cop, but she was not able to take on the role full time due to a contract conflict. Which female cop did she play?
  6. Follow-up question: Which TV show contract prevented Swit from taking on this cop role full time?
  7. True or False: Loretta Swit did not win any awards while on M*A*S*H.
  8. In this 1985 movie, Swit plays an executive with something to prove when her company needs a new advertising campaign to boost the sales of Norbecker, a type of alcohol and the name of the film. The title of this movie is...
  9. Swit released two made-for-TV movies in 1983, the same year that M*A*S*H was concluded. Of these, which is NOT a movie that Swit was in?
  10. Swit has appeared on a number of game shows in her career. Can you spot the show that Swit did NOT appear on?

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Randall 41 months ago
I felt It was wrong for Alan Alda not to let her go on to Cagney and Lacey, The die had already been cast that 82-83 was to be the final season, and in my humble opinion she had earned the chance to be the lead in a show, I loved Sharon Gless though ( i guess that just proves right time right place........)
DylanSelf Randall 35 months ago
I'm not defending Alan, but it wasn't just him. Fox wouldn't let her go either. Funny, they let Wayne, McLean, Larry, and Gary leave the show, but not Loretta.
idkwut2use 45 months ago
You got 10 out of 10

You're clearly a longtime fan. Excellent work!
DerekBird 45 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
You're clearly a longtime fan. Excellent work!
idkwut2use 64 months ago
You got 8 out of 10
You're clearly a longtime fan. Excellent work!
Joe 64 months ago
Not bad… NOT BAD?…… a 50 is an "F"!
JERRY6 64 months ago
You got 7 out of 10
Not bad! You're clearly in the know about all of her major career moves. Nice job! Good guess
WilliamMartin 65 months ago
Who could forget Swit's role as a nosey gossip columnist in Blake Edward's S.O.B.?
DerekBird WilliamMartin 45 months ago
Me. I've never seen it.
ChapSchoon 65 months ago
9 out of 10 . I didn't know I knew what I did.
sandman 65 months ago
8/10! You could say I am pretty “swift”. SHUT UP CRICKETS!!!
KellyShort 65 months ago
You got 7 out of 10...Better than I thought I would do
UnicornPrincess 65 months ago
5/10! Not bad for somone who doesn't watch MASH!
cperrynaples 65 months ago
8/10! So much for a hat trick! A few comments: [1] Guessed MI, but it was H50! [2] This was a MeTV post! [3]Who could forget the audio sex with Frank and Margaret? [4] Swit was TOO young for Rawhide! [5 and 6]Who could forget that movie? [7] Of course she won Emmies! [8] What else could Norbecker be? [9] I knew that was another actress, but these guys misspelled affair and I was distracted! [10] Jeopardy didn't have celebrities in the Art Fleming era!
Moody 65 months ago
6/10 almost all pure guesses.
anthony 65 months ago
7/10.Missed 1,2,and 7."It's A Bird It's A Plane It's Superman"??? who knew?
teire anthony 65 months ago
That one I knew. Probably read it on MeTV.
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