Bob Denver or John Denver?

Good luck telling these two apart!

 Everett Collection/Warner Brothers

Here's hoping you know your celebrities who share a surname with the most populous city in Colorado!

It's a Denver-off! So, Bob or John, the choice is yours... Just know that only one Denver is the correct choice for each question. So, let's see what you got.

Do you think you know the difference between Bob Denver from Gilligan's Island and John Denver, singer of "Take Me Home, Country Road"? Take this quiz to see how you rank! Be sure to share your score (and your favorite Denver) in the comments section below.

Watch Gilligan's Island on MeTV!

Sundays 3 & 3:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. First of all, who is older?
  2. Which one was born in Roswell, New Mexico?
  3. Who was a special guest on The Muppet Show?
  4. Only one Denver appeared on The Love Boat. Which one?
  5. Who served as an FM radio personality, DJing on WGAG-LP 93.1 FM?
  6. Which Denver starred alongside George Burns in 1977's "Oh, God!"
  7. Which one was actually born with the last name "Denver"?
  8. Of the two, whose final film role came later?
  9. Which one appeared as himself on The Simpsons?

Bob Denver or John Denver?

Your Result...

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JTMONEY 9 months ago
I love vaginas with my Martini 😇‼️🐉
CouchPotato19 JTMONEY 9 months ago
Betchoo doo.
KawiVulc 9 months ago
8/9, missed #8. Not a lot of my HS classmates liked JD back in the 70s or at least didn't admit it... his Leaving On A Jet Plane duet with Mama Cass from the Midnight Special is phenomenal.
MadMat2102 9 months ago
4/9. On several of the questions I knew the face to the answer but picked the wrong "Denver."
Crisco 9 months ago
You got 8 out of 9
Way to go, little buddy!missed#8
boogerdogger 9 months ago
Missed # 5. I saw John Denver in concert in the mid-seventies. What a great song writer with such a beautiful voice and soul. We sure could use more people in the World like him!!
Beatseeker boogerdogger 9 months ago
you mean drunk drivers?
He was on the same bill with The Moody Blues.
LadyM7lME 9 months ago
5/9??? 😞 Do'no which ones I missed.
Moverfan 9 months ago
9/9. And yes, I can tell them apart--Bob Denver is dark-haired and John Denver is blonde.

I watch MeTV and I know things (to paraphrase a meme I've seen)...
FLETCH Moverfan 9 months ago
And only John talked to God personally...that we know of anyways
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