Build your perfect horror movie!

You're in charge!

 Anglo-EMI Film Distributors Ltd./New Line Cinema/Universal Pictures

We're putting all of you horror fans in charge of the remote in this quiz! Build your ideal horror film, from beginning to end, and see how your opinions stack up against your fellow fans!

  1. Choose a decade to set your movie in.
  2. Who do you want directing this film?
  3. Who's playing the lead?
  4. What kind of genre is this horror movie?
  5. Chose another lead actor.
  6. Are we hoping for sequels to develop from this film?
  7. What's the setting?
  8. What's this movie's runtime?
  9. Is this movie an immediate hit at the box office?
  10. Are there any survivors in your horror film?

Build your perfect horror movie!

Your Result...

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jet 4 months ago
#1 was a letdown. Everybody knows the best horror movies came out in the 80s.
WGH jet 3 months ago
Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the original Halloween came out in the 1970s. Two of the all-time best. And the 1930s were awesome, as well as the 40s.
itsjustshanna 4 months ago
(Nov. 13th) Last night I added about 5 more horror/slashers to my watch list....even as a kid I've been kind of "morbidly fascinated."... I need counseling, I know.
Gossemer 4 months ago
78%. Meh. Seen alot of them but cant say id track any down. Not my favorite genre.
Zip 4 months ago
62% similar. But I am not really a horror movie kind of guy, unless by horror you mean monster movie, like a big, crazed grizzly bear, or a dinosaur, or gigantic bugs or something like that.
bmoore4026 4 months ago
59% similar, but none of these are what I need to create my perfect horror movie.
jet bmoore4026 4 months ago
I know, right?
CortneyNicole 4 months ago
70% Not a big fan of horror movies.
AnnieM 4 months ago
76% here. Although I'd say my choices lean more towards suspense rather than horror.
BradBeall 4 months ago
76% similar, but the choices here are kinda limited, don'tcha think? Add some more possibilities, maybe so a "monster from outer space who drives a haunted car around her blood-sucking dinosaurs with chainsaws, and fighting with the giant spiders" genre could be created. Hey - why not?
Tresix 4 months ago
69% similar. Why are the results shown in white writing?
JayBurd 4 months ago
69%.........and the title of my movie is: I WAS A TEENAGE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON.
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