Build your Thanksgiving plate and we'll tell you who you are most like on The Flintstones

Indulge in your Thanksgiving favorites and see who would do the same in Bedrock!

 The Everett Collection

Everyone has a specific way that they like to do Thanksgiving. Whether you're in charge of the casserole, you provide the entertainment, or you simply stay out of the path of others working on dinner, everyone plays a certain role in the tradition of the holiday. 

The same applies to a holiday at the Flintstone household.

But who do you think you're most like in their group? Get ready for your turkey dinner and find out exactly who you would be on The Flintstones!

  1. Choose an autumnal beverage to sip during the day!
  2. Thanksgiving is a lot of fun, but everyone needs to lend a helping hand to make it happen. What is your assigned task for the day?
  3. Choose an appetizer to snack on.
  4. Time for dinner! What part of the turkey are you going for?
  5. Pick a starchy side dish for your plate.
  6. Pick something green to go with your meal.
  7. Which sauce goes over the whole plate?
  8. It's time to pick an activity for everyone to enjoy! What's your vote?
  9. Time for dessert! Which pie do you reach for?
  10. It's the middle of the night and you're looking for one more taste of that meal. Which midnight snack do you sneak?

Build your Thanksgiving plate and we'll tell you who you are most like on The Flintstones

Your Result...

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ClassicTVRocks 3 months ago
OMG!!! 😳 I'm Fred Flintstone, I still like the Flintstones, but I Really didn't want to be Fred Flintstone!!!
JERRY6 3 months ago
I'm Vilma no bronto burgers for me
Charlotte 3 months ago
I'm Wilma, head chef in charge! The pies are made & I smell the turkey cooking!
clovergirl 3 months ago
I'm Wilma. I wish potato filling had been one of the choices as a side dish. #10: I don't eat in the middle of the night, nor do I consume any beverages other than water.
bukhrn 3 months ago
Fred, I agree, #9 is an unfair question, how do you choose between them, I would try them all if available.
scp 3 months ago
I'm Wilma?

That makes zero sense.
LalaLucy 3 months ago
Betty Rubble. Except I do all the cooking now that it's more about small immediate family and less about big get togethers.
hootrs23 3 months ago
fred. i saw that coming a mile away.
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