Can you answer these real Jeopardy! questions about The Flintstones?

Would round two be called "Rubble Jeopardy?"


The Flintstones were no strangers to game shows. In the episode "Divided We Sail," Barney becomes a contestant on The Prize Is Priced, an obvious spoof of The Price Is Right.

But that's not all. The ultimate trivia game show Jeopardy! has frequently featured questions (well, answers) about Fred and the gang. The Flintstones has had its own category three times — in 1986, 1999 and 2018. Dozens of questions about the classic cartoon (and its various spin-offs) have popped up in other categories, too.

Can you answer some of them? Put your Bedrock knowledge to the test!

  1. MEET THE FLINTSTONES for $100: 'The Flintstones' was modeled on this Jackie Gleason series.
  2. MEET THE FLINTSTONES for $200: In the 1993 primetime special "I Yabba-Dabba-Do," these two kids got married.
  3. FAMOUS LAST WORDS for $200: In the 'Flintstones' theme.
  4. MEET THE FLINTSTONES for $300: In 1996, after years of exclusion and a national vote, she joined the rest of the gang as a Flintstones vitamin.
  5. THE FLINTSTONES for $300: It's where Fred took the family in the opening of every show.
  6. THEY'RE "GREAT" for $400: On 'The Flintstones' Harvey Korman voiced this tiny alien from the planet Zetox.
  7. MEET THE FLINTSTONES for $400: The 'Flintstones' theme is based on the chord changes of this song… "Who could ask for anything more…"
  8. THE FLINTSTONES for $500: Fred and Barney were lodge members of this "Loyal Order."
  9. MEET THE FLINTSTONES for $500: Two Stone Age movie heartthrobs were Stoney Curtis and this suave star, perhaps born Archiboulder Leach.
  10. TV WORKPLACE SETTINGS for $600: 'The Flintstones,' where Fred operated a bronto-crane.
  11. THE FLINTSTONES for $600: After this voice of Barney (and Bugs Bunny) was injured in a car accident, he recorded much of season two in his bedroom.
  12. IN THE CREDITS for $800: The credits of 'The Flintstones' report none of these "were harmed in the making of" the movie.

Can you answer these real Jeopardy! questions about The Flintstones?

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ChuckDiaz 15 months ago
Don’t really know how I missed those 3 questions…. But I guess I’m get old LOL….😢😢😢😢
ThomasPotter 19 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
You breezed through that with ease! Kick your feet up.
Glornt 19 months ago
12, only a couple of educated guesses.
TownOfMayberry 20 months ago
You got 12 out of 12

You breezed through that with ease! Kick your feet up.
Amalthea 20 months ago
12/12, but I feel like I'm cheating because my daughter & I are currently watching the entire series. As a matter of fact, SHE could probably answer all of these with no problem!
Hollie 20 months ago
12/12 i own the series and my grand kids who are 4 and 5 watch it now i put in dvd they love it
Jacki 20 months ago
11/12 missed # 4, was going to guess Betty, but I over-thought it and guessed Pebbles.
Dajj 20 months ago
9/12. Pretty soon, we all might be in a new stone age!!!
dominicanbride1 20 months ago
12/12. My favorite. Watch these guys every Sunday morning
Coldnorth 20 months ago
Only #9 wrong.shore do make me proud of myself
Gossemer 20 months ago
12/12 Wow I always wanted to be a jeopardy champ!. Guess I knew Fred and the gang better than I thought. Thanks MeTv that was a challenging quiz.
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