Can you fill in the missing lyrics to the Have Gun – Will Travel theme song?
How well do you know “The Ballad of Paladin”?

Image: The Everett Collection
It’s rare for a TV theme song to be used only during the end credits like “The Ballad of Paladin” from Have Gun – Will Travel. But that doesn’t mean it’s any less famous, or catchy, than other Western refrains. Performed by country singer Johnny Western for the show, a twangy instrumental version from guitarist Duane Eddy peaked at number 33 on the Billboard charts in 1962. Gordie and his friends couldn’t get the tune out of their heads while walking along the train tracks in Stand By Me.
How well do you know “The Ballad of Paladin”? Try to fill in the correct lyrics for each line!

Can you fill in the missing lyrics to the Have Gun – Will Travel theme song?
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He travels on to where ever he must
A chess knight of silver is his badge of trust
There are campfire legends that the plainsmen spin
Of the man with the gun, of the man called Paladin