Have Gun - Will Travel

Saturdays at 4 PM

mountain (on most MeTV stations)
A Western series with an unusual twist, 'Have Gun - Will Travel' follows the adventures of gentleman gun-for-hire Paladin (Richard Boone), a man of refined tastes and rich education. Former Army officer, West Point graduate and scholar of history, literature and law, Paladin possesses a keen intellect as well as formidable combat skills. A chess knight emblem adorning his holster, Paladin is the man in black who always gets the better of the bad guys.


Episode Guide

Episode Guide

Season 1
  • Season 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3
  • Season 4
  • Season 5
  • Season 6

Ep 1: Three Bells to Perdido

New Mexico rancher Jesse Reade hires Paladin for $1,000 to bring back outlaw Dave Enderby, who has run off to Perdido, Mexico, with Reade's daughter.

Ep 2: The Outlaw

Manfred Holt breaks out of jail, killing two deputies. Is he on his way to kill the banker who testified against him, or to see his family for the last time? The banker hires Paladin.

Ep 3: The Great Mojave Chase

A sportsman sponsors a contest, betting that no one can elude his posse in the Mojave Desert. When Paladin shows up riding a camel, the man decides that the only way he can still win is to get rid of Paladin.

Ep 4: Winchester Quarantine

At a stagecoach stop, Paladin sees a peaceful Cherokee rancher being beaten by white men who think his cattle are spreading a sickness. Paladin offers his help.

Ep 5: A Matter of Ethics

An accused murderer who fears that he will be lynched before he can be returned to Bender, Wyoming, for trial, hires Paladin to make sure he gets there alive.

Ep 6: The Bride

When a mail-order bride from Philadelphia gets off the stagecoach in the middle of nowhere, Paladin decides to stay with her to make sure that she is safe.

Ep 7: Strange Vendetta

Paladin's new friend, stabbed by an assassin, makes a dying request to have his body taken back home to his hacienda in Mexico.

Ep 8: High Wire

A hobo who was once a circus performer bets a gambler that he can walk across the saloon on a tightrope. When Paladin sees that the gambler intends to cheat, he decides to help even the odds.

Ep 9: Show of Force

After winning a batch of old rifles in a poker game, Paladin finds himself involved in a range war.

Ep 10: The Long Night

A wealthy cattleman holds Paladin and two other men hostage. They will all die at dawn unless one of them admits to the murder of the rancher's wife.

Ep 11: The Colonel and the Lady

A retired colonel sends Paladin to a Nevada mining town to find out what happened to a former saloon girl.

Ep 12: No Visitors

When Paladin finds a woman and her apparently typhoid-afflicted child abandoned by a wagonmaster, he enlists the aid of a female doctor from a nearby town, but a religious fanatic then tries to bar them from entry.

Ep 13: The Englishman

Paladin escorts an Englishman to his female cousin's ranch they have inherited in Montana, but finds that an embittered trader is plotting against them.

Ep 14: The Yuma Treasure

Accompanying a cavalry major on a mission to prevent a war by negotiating a treaty with an elusive Apache chief, Paladin must deal with soldiers who have caught gold fever.

Ep 15: The Hanging Cross

Ep 16: Helen of Abajinian

An Armenian winemaker hires Paladin to find his runaway daughter and break up her ill-considered romance with a cowhand.

Ep 17: Ella West

The promoter of a wild west show asks Paladin for help taming down a very wild and famous female sharpshooter and show her how to act like a lady.

Ep 18: The Reasonable Man

A rancher having a dispute with his foster son hires Paladin to keep one of them from killing the other in a duel.

Ep 19: The High Graders

When his tailor is killed in an accident at a supposedly worthless gold mine, Paladin discovers that the man was murdered and his heirs are being swindled.

Ep 20: The Last Laugh

A rancher blames Paladin when a practical joke goes awry and his wife is crippled in a riding accident.

Ep 21: The Bostonian

Paladin protects a new landowner from Boston, who is having an escalating feud with an established cattle rancher.

Ep 22: The Singer

A cowboy seeks help for his former girlfriend, a dancehall singer, who he says was forced into marriage and is now being held prisoner.

Ep 23: Bitter Wine

Paladin is hired to stop a vineyard from being ruined by seepage from an adjacent oil well.

Ep 24: Girl from Piccadilly

Learning of his son's death, a rich man hires Paladin to locate the daughter-in-law he's never met, but Paladin finds two women both claiming to be her.

Ep 25: The O'Hare Story

Hired to prevent the construction of a dam that would imperil a town's water supply, Paladin finds that he sympathizes more with the Irish engineer who's trying to build it.

Ep 26: Birds of a Feather

Paladin must contend with other gunfighters as he tries to settle a right-of-way dispute between two railroads in a Colorado town that will die if they go elsewhere.

Ep 27: The Teacher

Paladin defends a schoolmistress who's being theatened for teaching about war crimes that took place during the Civil War.

Ep 28: Killer's Widow

After having killed a bank robber, Paladin is accused of having taken the stolen money. He visits the dead man's widow and tries to make amends.

Ep 29: Gun Shy

Trying to locate the thieves who stole a jade chess set, Paladin ends up in a small Montana town where he becomes involved in a romance with a landlady's daughter.

Ep 30: The Prize Fight Story

When Paladin goes to a mining town to promote a prizefight, his boxer is arrested and he ends up having to take the man's place in the ring -- against the Welsh champion.

Ep 31: Hey Boy's Revenge

When Hey Boy's brother is killed for protesting the working conditions on a Chinese railroad gang in Utah, Paladin must get the boy out of jail and bring the killer to justice.

Ep 32: The Five Books of Owen Deaver

Paladin comes to the aid of a young sheriff from Philadelphia whose attempts to keep law and order in are particularly unsuitable for a cowboy town in Wyoming.

Ep 33: The Silver Queen

Lonely Leadhead Kane dies and leaves his half of a mine to an actress. Kane's partner wants to challenge the will. Someone wants to make sure Paladin never gets the woman to the courtroom.

Ep 34: Three Sons

Newlyweds with no place to stay end up in Paladin's suite. He learns that the groom's half-brothers are threatening to kill their father. Paladin goes to warn the father.

Ep 35: The Return of Dr. Thackeray

Ep 36: 24 Hours at North Fork

When a blight kills all the crops except for one farmer's, Paladin must protect him from a greedy storekeeper who wants his farm and his hired gun who has a personal grudge against Paladin.

Ep 37: Silver Convoy

Paladin is hired to find James Becker. He trails him to Monterey and discovers he has been arrested and is sentenced to work in a silver mine. Paladin finds that Becker has died in a cave-in or so he is told. The owner of the mine hires Paladin to guard a silver convoy, but first Paladin wants to find out a little more about the mine.

Ep 38: Deliver the Body

Paladin is hired to bring in the killer of the sheriff in a Nevada town. He brings him in but has some doubts about his guilt and decides to hang around for the trial.

Ep 39: The Statue of San Sebastian

Ep 1: The Manhunter

Paladin is forced to kill Jimmy Dawes, wanted for murder. When he takes him back to his home town, the townspeople, the sheriff and the boy's brothers give him a hostile welcome.

Ep 2: In an Evil Time

Pappy French and his gang have robbed the bank in Mercede of $50,000. Pappy ran off with the cash and left his gang to shoot it out with the law. Paladin is hired to bring Pappy and the money back.

Ep 3: The Man Who Wouldn't Talk

Chris Sorenson is shy around women and he asks Paladin to help him with his new neighbor, Senorita Maria de Castro, a lady rancher. Complicating the matter is cattle missing from the de Castro ranch.

Ep 4: The Hanging of Roy Carter

Ep 5: Duel at Florence

Paladin receives a letter with a bank draft for $82.17 from Ernie Teller asking for help with a matrimonial problem.

Ep 6: The Protege

Paladin answers an ad in the paper by Kurt Sprague: "Teach me to quick draw and shoot. Instruction desperately needed. Will pay one thousand dollars. Only experts need apply." Kurt needs to learn in order to go back home. Paladin does a very good job. Only one problem: Kurt enjoys showing off his new found skill a little too much.

Ep 7: The Road to Wickenburg

Paladin wakes up after being drugged, beaten and robbed in the town of Blue Bell by five men, one of whom is the town's sheriff. They took his money, gun, bullets, horse and saddle. All he has left is his two-shot derringer.

Ep 8: A Sense of Justice

The sheriff of a small town needs help to prevent the lynching of simple-minded Andy Dawes. The townspeople are sure he is a murderer. Paladin offers to help

Ep 9: Young Gun

An ex-gunfighter, Roy Calvert, blames the people of Benedict for his wife's death. The town is in the middle of a bad drought and Calvert and his son are blocking the only access to water in the area. Calvert has trained his son to be a gunfighter and Paladin has to face them both.

Ep 10: The Lady

A British woman, Diana Coulter, hires Paladin to guide her to her brother's ranch in Shiprock, Arizona, where the Comanches are on the warpath.

Ep 11: A Snare for Murder

Two ornery old gold miners, who hate each other, have struck it rich. Problem is they talk too much, and now it appears someone is trying to kill them.

Ep 12: The Ballad of Oscar Wilde

Paladin is hired to protect Oscar Wilde. Another 3 men apply for the job, but after Paladin upstages them they kidnap Wilde for ransom. Paladin takes care of them, his way.

Ep 13: The Solid Gold Patrol

Paladin goes to inform a calvary corporal that he has won $600,000 in a lottery. But they may not live to cash in the ticket, they are trapped by several dozen hostile Indians.

Ep 14: Something to Live For

Ep 15: The Moor's Revenge

Ep 16: The Wager

Sid Morgan hires Paladin to protect him from someone who is trying to kill him. After killing the gunfighter who was following them, Paladin finds out the real reason Morgan hired him. He then hands out his own brand of justice.

Ep 17: The Taffeta Mayor

Ep 18: Lady on the Stagecoach

Ep 19: Treasure Trail

Paladin wins part of a treasure map in a poker game and goes in search of the treasure with three other men.

Ep 20: Juliet

Juliet Harper is being hunted by the grandsons of Colonel Jeremiah Pike. Paladin meets her on the stage and now the Colonel is after both of them, and Paladin is without a gun.

Ep 21: Hunt the Man Down

Tony and Walt DeVries are old friends of Paladin. Tony is putting up barbed wire to keep Walt's cattle from trampling his crops. Walt has threatened to kill anyone who puts up barbed wire. Paladin owes Tony his life and offers to help.

Ep 22: The Scorched Feather

Robert Ceilbleu hires Paladin to protect his father from a Comanche war chief who has sworn to kill him. After arriving at the remote cabin of William Ceilbleu, he learns the reason for the Indian's hatred.

Ep 23: The Return of the Lady

Ep 24: The Monster of Moon Ridge

The townspeople of Moon Ridge, Colorado believe there are monsters in the mountains. Dan Bella's daughter is taken by something and he finds strange footprints outside his daughter's window. Paladin is hired to find out what is up on the ridge.

Ep 25: The Long Hunt

Thomas Orday, half Comanche, has killed two men and wounded Dundee, a former Indian fighter. He is now hiding in the mountains of New Mexico. Paladin is hired to help track him down.

Ep 26: Death of a Gunfighter

Feeling that the townspeople of Santos, New Mexico, have gone too far in their efforts to destroy a ruthless gunfighter, Paladin allows the man to return to his hometown on the condition that he hangs up his guns. But when he arrives there and finds that his sweetheart has married another, more trouble ensues.

Ep 27: Incident at Borrasca Bend

Arriving in a weird tent town to return money to a prospector, Paladin finds himself charged with the man's murder and tried by a kangaroo court.

Ep 28: Maggie O'Bannion

After being bushwhacked and having 'everything' taken, Paladin walks to the nearest ranch and manages to get hired on as a handyman.

Ep 29: The Chase

Paul Martin is a bank clerk accused of robbing the bank and killing a deputy. His wife hires Paladin to find her husband before the posse does.

Ep 30: Alaska

Paladin plays chess by mail with Boris, who is living in Alaska. Paladin receives what he assumes is Boris' next move but instead is a request for help. Boris is being forced out of territory he has hunted and trapped on for years. Paladin heads for Alaska to help.

Ep 31: The Man Who Lost

Paladin goes after Benjamin Coey, who brutally murdered James Bryson and attacked Mrs. Bryson. Coey has already killed two members of the posse which is after him. Mrs. Bryson's two brothers, Joseph and William Gage, are also after him and don't intend to allow him to live long enough to stand trial.

Ep 32: The Return of Roy Carter

Roy Carter (The Hangin of Roy Carter, Episode 42) sends for Paladin to help search for Chaplain Robert April, who saved Roys' life. Chaplain April was up in the mountains searching for an escaped prisoner when a blizzard hit.

Ep 33: The Sons of Aaron Murdock

Aaron Murdock hires Paladin to find his son, Lew, who has escaped from prison and prevent his younger son, Jamie, from riding out with Lew.

Ep 34: Commanche

Ep 35: Homecoming

Wrongly convicted Ed Stacy, whom Paladin helped to put in prison, is being released after being pardoned. Will Stanhope, who runs the local freight office, hires Paladin to protect him from Stacy. Paladin soon wonders who is really in danger.

Ep 36: The Fifth Man

Ben Talman, who has murdered 12 men, escaped from jail. He kills four men in Yucca Bend within one week. Paladin is hired to bring him in.

Ep 37: Heritage of Anger

Paladin is hired to protect the Avery family from Manuel Garcia. Garicia is a Mexican bandit who seems to have taken a special interest in their son.

Ep 38: The Haunted Trees

Ben Howard is disinherited in his father's will. When his father dies, Mrs. Sarah Howard takes over running the family's lumber company. She claims that Ben is sabotaging the work and scaring off the workers. Mrs. Howard hires Paladin to stop the problems and get rid of Ben.

Ep 39: Gold and Brimstone

Paladin finds a sick old man and his son trying to protect their mine from claim jumpers. The old man is delirious and thinks that Paladin is the devil and has only offered to help in exchange for their souls.

Ep 1: First, Catch a Tiger

Two of the three men who brought in and helped to hang an outlaw have been killed by an assassin. The third man, Paladin, is staying at a hotel where one of the guests is the killer.

Ep 2: Episode in Laredo

Kovak is reserving the entire hotel in Laredo, Texas for Sam Tuttle, a famous unbeatable gunfighter. After Paladin is forced to kill Kovak, Tuttle must challenge Paladin in order to keep his reputation intact.

Ep 3: Les Girls

Ep 4: The Posse

Paladin stops to ask a stranger for directions and is invited to share his campsite. Later, when a posse arrives, the man announces that Paladin is the murderer they have been looking for.

Ep 5: Shot by Request

Ainslee is a well-dressed, middle-aged gentleman and a reluctant gunfighter. He hires Paladin for a very strange task.

Ep 6: Pancho

Mexican rancher Don Luis Ortega hires Paladin to escort his daughter across the border into the United States. However a peon from her father's ranch is determined to stop them and take her for himself.

Ep 7: Fragile

Paladin is hired by the owner of "The Frenchman's" restaurant to take a plate glass window to the town of Panamint, a wild gold-mining town.

Ep 8: The Unforgiven

Retired and wealthy General Crommer is dying. He asks Padadin, who holds an old grudge against him, to do him a favor. He asks him to take a message of forgiveness to another man who hates Crommer. A favor which might get Paladin killed.

Ep 9: The Black Hankerchief

Ep 10: The Golden Toad

Paladin gets involved in a dispute between the patriarch of a farming family and a matriarch saloon owner and her family who believe land they claim rights to holds an Aztec treasure.

Ep 11: Tiger

Ellsworth believes he has had an old tiger curse put on him and that a tiger is coming to kill him. He hires Paladin to protect him from the tiger.

Ep 12: Champaigne Safari

Ep 13: Charley Red Dog

Santa Maria, New Mexico is looking for a town marshal. The only man willing is Charley Red Dog, holder of a correspondence school diploma. Paladin allows Charley to take his gun and tries to help.

Ep 14: The Naked Gun

Riding through Oregon on his way to help a friend, Paladin makes an unwanted and unwashed friend, Monk. He helps Monk escape from a group of trail herders and Rook, a tough, trick drawing trail boss who would hang anyone that gets in his way.

Ep 15: One Came Back

After serving 5 years in prison for crimes commited during the Civil War, Ben Harvey wants to go home to his brothers in Gila. He hires Paladin to protect him and his wagon of goods during the trip. They arrive in Gila to find that his brothers are wanted for murder and there's a posse out looking them.

Ep 16: The Prophet

The Army asks Paladin to find an Army colonel who disappeared with his Apache wife. There are rumors of an Army officer working with the Apaches and inciting them to war. Paladin is asked to find and stop him at all costs.

Ep 17: Day of the Badman

Cynthia Palmer hires Paladin to clean up the town of Cedar Wells and get a gang out. She also wants him to send her schoolteacher nephew named Laredo back east. Paladin decides he can restore Laredo's self-respect and get rid of the gang at the same time.

Ep 18: The Pledge

Ike Brennan hires Paladin to escort him and a wagonload of food and blankets into Indian country. The Indians are holding his wife hostage and he intends to trade what's in the wagon for her release. However, on the way there, Paladin discovers what he is really taking to the Indians.

Ep 19: Jenny

When Paladin is hired by a woman to discourage the advances of an unwanted suitor, it isn't long before she vanishes, the trail of clues leading to a group of counterfeiters.

Ep 20: Return to Fort Benjamin

Paladin is hired by an Indian chief to help his son, Yellow Star. Not to save his life but to assure he receives a proper Indian burial after his execution. Paladin soon begins to wonder if Yellow Star is guilty.

Ep 21: Night the Town Died

Aaron Bell's brother was lynched during the Civil War. Eight years later, Aaron is released from prison and returns home to kill those responsible for his brother's death. Warren hires Paladin to protect the townspeople from Aaron and protect Aaron from them.

Ep 22: The Ledge

Paladin and four others debate what to do after a man falls off a ledge and it is uncertain whether he is alive or dead. Unresponsive and out of reach, the fallen man may be on the receiving end of a mercy killing if no one can find a way to get to him.

Ep 23: The Lady on the Wall

Ep 24: The Misguided Father

Ep 25: The Hatchet Man

Paladin is hired by the San Francisco Police to protect Joe Tsin, their first Chinese police detective. Tsin has been targeted by a dangerous group of Chinese criminals and Paladin must try to protect him without causing him to lose face.

Ep 26: Fight at Adobe Wells

Jonathan Guilder hires Paladin to escort him through Indian country. They end up trapped at an old adobe stage stop by Quanah Parker, a half-indian, half-white Indian warrior with a personal grudge against Guilder.

Ep 27: The Gladiators

Allison Windrom hires Paladin to stop a duel between her father and Graham Beckley. When Beckley finds out about Paladin he hires a gunfighter to take his place.

Ep 28: Love of a Bad Woman

Tamsen Sommers is advertising for a husband, which presents a problem since she already has one. The husband hires Paladin to protect him from the men competing for the right to marry her.

Ep 29: An International Affair

Ep 30: Lady with a Gun

After she attempts to shoot Rudy Rossback and fails, Eve McIntosh offers Paladin $1,000 to kill him. After Paladin turns her down she hires another gunman.

Ep 31: Never Help the Devil

Doggie Kramer wins a gunfight, as the whole town he had been bullying watches, but ends up wounded. He needs Paladin to help him get out of town before the townspeople take their revenge.

Ep 32: Ambush

Paladin is taking Blandings back to stand trial and stops at a ferry crossing. They are captured and held along with three others. Someone is coming and they are being held until he arrives. Each thinks it's their worst enemy coming to kill them and all they can do is wait.

Ep 33: Black Sheep

Ben Huttner is a fugitive wanted for manslaughter. He is also the illegitimate son of a very wealthy man and stands to inherit his five million dollar estate, but he must first come back and stand trial. Paladin is hired to find him and either bring him back to stand trial or get him to sign a paper giving up his inheritance.

Ep 34: Full Circle

A man who left Paladin to die in his place writes to Paladin and asks for his help.

Ep 35: The Twins

Adam Mirakian is wanted for a murder he claims his twin brother Sam committed. He hires Paladin to find his brother and clear his name. The only person who can tell them apart is Adam's wife, Beth.

Ep 36: The Campaign of Billy Banjo

An old friend of Paladin's, Billy Banjo, sends for him to help with an election.

Ep 37: Ransom

Paladin is hired by Carter to find Colonel Celine. He needs Celine to sign a document. Paladin is not the only one looking for him.

Ep 38: The Trial

Ep 39: The Search

Mrs. Kilmer is dying and asks Paladin to find her missing son, Martin Kilmer. Edwards, a detective, managed to trace Martin as far as Harper City, where Edwards was then killed. Fred Harper, a half crazy man who runs Harper City, doesn't want Paladin to succeed.

Ep 1: The Fatalist

A Russian Jewish immigrant and his daughter are coerced by a local town boss not to testify in court about a murder. The daughter comes to San Francisco to enlist Paladin's help.

Ep 2: Love's Young Dream

Monk (The Naked Gun, Episode #92) arrives in San Francisco to collect his inheritance, a half-interest in a night club. He ends up at the Carlton Hotel to ask Paladin for help.

Ep 3: A Head of Hair

Paladin needs help locating kidnappers.

Ep 4: Out at the Old Ballpark

Paladin umpires a baseball game in which guns are used as freely as bats.

Ep 5: Saturday Night

After being arrested along with several others for fighting in a barroom brawl, Paladin wakes up in a cell and discovers that one of the other men has been murdered.

Ep 6: The Calf

A property dispute between two ranchers erupts in violence.

Ep 7: The Tender Gun

A woman sheriff wants Paladin to help her deal with a gang of landgrabbers.

Ep 8: The Shooting of Jesse May

Ep 9: The Poker Fiend

Mrs. Neal offers Paladin $50,000 to pry her husband loose from a marathon poker game.

Ep 10: Crowbait

Paiutes set their sights on a prospector who's digging ore from an Indian silver mine.

Ep 11: Marshal's Boy

The marshal's son is wanted for murder---and it's his father's job to get him.

Ep 12: Foggbound

Ep 13: The Legacy

Paladin finds his man, a wanted killer. But his problems have just begun.

Ep 14: The Prisoner

Justin Groton has been held for execution since he was 13. Now, years later, a judge is going to release him.

Ep 15: The Mountebank

A puppeteer's bitterness spills over into a performance and endangers his life.

Ep 16: The Sanctuary

Paladin, in a mission, finds a man whom gunmen are seeking.

Ep 17: A Quiet Night in Town (1)

Ep 18: A Quiet Night in Town (2)

Ep 19: The Princess and the Gunfighter

Ep 20: Shadow of a Man

Marion Sutter implores Paladin to save her Southern husband from a rebel hater.

Ep 21: Long Way Home

Paladin must protect his captive---worth $5000---from bounty hunters.

Ep 22: The Tax Gatherer

Ep 23: The Fatal Flaw

During a blizzard, Paladin shares a cabin refuge with a marshal and his prisoner, a man trying to talk his way to freedom.

Ep 24: Fandango

A condemned killer is making a desperate break for freedom---but he runs right into Paladin.

Ep 25: The Last Judgement

Arriving in a small Arkansas town Paladin finds Dr. Simeon Loving chained in the street. He is charged with murder and Paladin is pressured into serving as his defense attorney. Elroy Greenleaf, a self-appointed justice of the peace, has decided that Lovi

Ep 26: The Gold Bar

Paladin goes after a bank clerk suspected of making off with a gold bar.

Ep 27: Everyman

A ne'er-do-well must find a way to save Paladin's life---before a killer finds a way to end it.

Ep 28: The Siege

Paladin goes after a gang that exacts money from farmers by threatening to poison the water supply.

Ep 29: The Long Weekend

Paladin tries to tame a wealthy miner who's on one of his semiannual binges.

Ep 30: El Paso Stage

Paladin tangles with a lawman who bends the law to suit his crooked aims.

Ep 31: Duke of Texas

Franz, a young Austrian Duke, hires Paladin to guide him to meet with a general who has promised to help reclaim Mexico for the Austrian empire. Franz believes the people of Mexico will welcome him, but Padadin thinks that Franz's advisor has other reasons for making the trip.

Ep 32: Broken Image

A sharpshooter has a big reputation---and a strange reluctance to use his gun.

Ep 33: Brother's Keeper

Robbed of his horse and gun, Paladin is left to fend for himself after he's mauled by a mountain lion.

Ep 34: Bearbait

Ep 35: The Cure

Paladin lends a helping hand to Calamity Jane, the once famed sharpshooter now drowning in self-pity and booze.

Ep 36: The Road

Paladin is robbed by scavengers and then forced to cross the mountain in winter without his horse, guns or coat.

Ep 37: The Uneasy Grave

A tough woman claims that a respectable citizen killed her fiancé.

Ep 38: Soledad Crossing

There's a rumor that the brother of Paladin's prisoner died from diphtheria.

Ep 1: The Vigil

A nurse heads for a frontier town—aware that its citizens would prefer a doctor.

Ep 2: The Education of Sarah Jane

A vengeful girl draws Paladin into a family feud.

Ep 3: The Revenger

Half of a $500 bill and a stage ticket to Yuma lead Paladin to a bandit named Soloman (Anthony Caruso).

Ep 4: Odds for Big Red

Big Red, a woman saloonkeeper, is shot . . . and gamblers are betting she won't live till dawn.

Ep 5: A Proof of Love

Charles Bronson and George Kennedy appear in the story of the fight for a mail-order bride.

Ep 6: The Gospel Singer

Paladin and a missionary try to end gunplay in a lawless town.

Ep 7: The Race

Sam Crabbe, who has bet his ranch against an entire Indian reservation in a horse race, wants Paladin to ride for him.

Ep 8: The Hanging of Aaron Gibbs

Singer Odetta plays Sarah Gibbs, who is barred by a marshal from visiting her condemned husband.

Ep 9: The Piano

European pianist Franz Lister comes to the United States to give a concert for Mona Lansing, a former saloon hostess. When Lister's piano is stolen, Mona hires Paladin to get it back.

Ep 10: Ben Jalisco

Ep 11: The Brothers

Paladin's trouble is only beginning when he nabs a murderer.

Ep 12: A Drop of Blood

Paladin is invited to best man at Rivka Shotness' wedding. When he arrives he finds that Billy Buckstone, the man the bride's family helped to convict, has been freed from prison and is on his way back.

Ep 13: A Knight to Remember

Paladin is hired to find Don Esteban, who has disappeared. When he finds him he is dressed as a knight in armor and thinks he is Don Quixote.

Ep 14: Blind Circle

Paladin tries to stop a bounty hunter from killing his man, who's no longer wanted.

Ep 15: The Kid

Paladin wins the right to work a silver strike for a month---or so he thinks.

Ep 16: Squatter's Rights

Costigan is a land owner and cattleman. He was shot by Clemenceau, a squatter on his land. Paladin has offered to help him get rid of the squatter but doesn't approve of his methods.

Ep 17: Lazarus

Paladin comes to the aid of Boise Peabody, a sheepish man being harassed by miners.

Ep 18: Justice in Hell

Paladin's clue in an Indian raid: a child says the leader was a white man.

Ep 19: Mark of Cain

Dr. Avatar hires Paladin to guide him to Jake Trueblood, a notorious western badman who has killed many men. Avatar wants to measure Trueblood's head to confirm his research on cranial measurements.

Ep 20: The Exiles

A Mexican general hires Paladin to track exiles who made off with a fortune in bonds.

Ep 21: The Hunt

Russian prince Radachev offers Paladin a large sum of money to play a very dangerous game.

Ep 22: Dream Girl

With gold in his pockets, a prospector sets out in pursuit of the girl of his dreams.

Ep 23: One, Two, Three

Samuel Keel hires Paladin to find Seth Carter. Keel gives him the names of three people who can help him find Seth. As Paladin finds them, each is murdered. Paladin is determined to find out why.

Ep 24: The Waiting Room

Paladin agrees to escort the Wilder brothers to the gallows---but it could be a mistake.

Ep 25: The Trap

Paladin defends a prisoner's rights against a vindictive marshal.

Ep 26: Don't Shoot the Piano Player

Paladin joins Emily Eubanks' Barbary Coast search for her fiancé.

Ep 27: Alice

Paladin hunts for an Eastern schoolgirl's missing mother.

Ep 28: The Man Who Struck Moonshine

Ep 29: Silent Death, Secret Death

Paladin gets his man but he may not live to prove it: typhoid has broken out and Indians are closing in.

Ep 30: Hobson's Choice

A hotel manager has his worries: inventor Alfred Nobel just checked in---with samples of nitroglycerin.

Ep 31: Coming of the Tiger

Paladin tries to prevent an invasion of the U.S. by Japanese militarists.

Ep 32: Darwin's Man

A rancher hits upon a crude method to determine which son will be his heir: pit them against each other in a gun duel.

Ep 33: Invasion

State Department orders: prevent an Irishman from invading Canada.

Ep 34: Cream of the Jest

The joke's on Paladin as he struggles to keep one step ahead of a prankster.

Ep 35: Bandit

Paladin's quarry: a murderous bandit.

Ep 36: Pandora's Box

A Cabinet official hires Paladin to find his son, wanted for murder.

Ep 37: Jonah and the Trout

Ep 38: The Knight

A disabled man asks Paladin to find his son, who's wanted for murder.

Ep 1: Genesis

After an unsuccessful attempt on his life by young Roderick Jefferson, Paladin is prompted into remembering a similar incident from his past. Once, as a youth, he agreed to pay off a gambling debt by shooting it out with a professional gunfighter.

Ep 2: Taylor's Woman

A change-of-pace job for Paladin: protecting a man from his husband-hunting housekeeper.

Ep 3: The Fifth Bullet

An ex-con needs help: someone's trying to murder him.

Ep 4: A Place For Abel Hix

Paladin arrives a bit late: his client, an aged gunfighter, is dead.

Ep 5: Beau Geste

After 15 years in office, Sheriff Dobbs is retiring and some old enemies are just waiting for the day he turns in his badge. Paladin received a newspaper clipping about the sheriff and $10 to save Dobbs' life.

Ep 6: Bird of Time

Paladin joins forces with a man named Stryker in a hunt for an outlaw---whom Stryker plans to kill.

Ep 7: Memories of Monica

A man released from prison comes to get his girlfriend---who's now the sheriff's wife.

Ep 8: The Predators

The desert sometimes makes for strange partners, like Paladin and a murder suspect.

Ep 9: Shootout at Hogtooth

Citizens of Hogtooth first hire gunmen to clean up the town, then Paladin to clean out the gunmen.

Ep 10: A Miracle for St. Francis

Father Clare asks Paladin to recover a stolen statue---without using violence.

Ep 11: Marshal of Sweetwater

Sweetwater was a wild town before Thomas Carey, a retired Army scout and old friend of Paladin, became marshal. But Carey has taken over complete control and turned into a killer. Paladin has to stop him and Carey has always seemed the faster of the two.

Ep 12: Man in an Hourglass

Ep 13: Penelope

A servant doesn't share Col. Lacey's confidence in Mrs. Lacey's fidelity.

Ep 14: Trial at Tablerock

The county prosecutor frames a hated gunman.

Ep 15: Be Not Forgetful of Strangers

Duane Eddy as a cowboy who arrives in town during Christmas with his pregnant wife---and no lodgings.

Ep 16: The Treasure

Long has served his term for robbery. Now he faces gunmen wanting to know where he hid the loot.

Ep 17: Brotherhood

Two brothers on opposite sides of the law offer rewards for each other's capture.

Ep 18: Bob Wire

A barbed-wire salesman hires Paladin to protect him from ranchers.

Ep 19: The Debutante

More than one surprise awaits Paladin as he searches for a dowager's missing granddaughter.

Ep 20: Unforgiving Minute

Sabina is tired of her life as a poor potter's wife---and looks to Paladin for a way out.

Ep 21: American Primitive

Harry Morgan portrays a sheriff who enlists Paladin in a hunt for a killer.

Ep 22: The Burning Tree

Paladin tries to shield his prisoner from Indians---who want his scalp.

Ep 23: Cage at McNaab

Paladin is dragged into a plot to free a condemned man.

Ep 24: Caravan

Paladin's client: a Nepalese princess menaced by assassins from her homeland.

Ep 25: The Walking Years

Paladin, a woman and her husband are imprisoned in a warehouse---and they don't know why.

Ep 26: Sweet Lady of the Moon

Paladin must protect a homicidal maniac from the relatives of one of his victims.

Ep 27: The Savages

An art collector hires Paladin to find a sculptor who has sought seclusion in the wilderness.

Ep 28: The Eve of St. Elmo

Warren Stevens plays an Army officer determined to exact vengeance on the man who paralyzed him in a gunfight.

Ep 29: Lady of the Fifth Moon

A tong demands that Kim Sing serve as payment for the debts of her deceased father.

Ep 30: Two Plus One

The Indian girl Paladin rescued is a bit too grateful: she vows not to leave him ... ever.

Ep 31: The Black Bull

Cesar Romero plays a matador who returns to the ring for one last fight---with Paladin.

Ep 32: Face of a Shadow

Gypsies are the suspects when a rancher is robbed and murdered.