Spooky Westerns quiz!

Here in the West, we're livin' the best, BOO-Nanza!


If you thought the thrills and chills of Halloween were best kept in quiet suburbia... You thought wrong!

Like a rolling tumbleweed, the winds of All Hallow's Eve blow through the Wild West, too. So saddle up, put your spurs on, and go trick-or-treating at your local saloon, where the candy is chewing tobacco and they fill your plastic jack-o-lantern with sasparilla!

See if you can figure out which Westerns these spooktastic images are from! Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below!

When you're done, see when you can catch your favorite Western's Halloween episode on the BOO-Nanza page!

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Monday - Saturday at 1 PM

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  1. Hurd Hatfield stars as Liston Lawrence Day on which show's spooktackular episode?

    CBS Television Distribution

  2. This little girl might just be a ghostly presence from the Donner Party! What show is this?
  3. "A Noose is Waiting" is a macabre entry of which Western?
     Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
  4. Cloris Leachman... She's not just Frau Blucher (Neigh!) she's Flory Tibbs in an episode of...
     CBS Television Distribution
  5. Do you recognize this wolflike woman? She's in an episode of...
     CBS Television Distribution
  6. When he sees the face of a young stranger in town who calls him out, our protagonist experiences a shocking flashback to his civil war days in...
     Peter Rodgers Organization
  7. What show is this image from?
     CBS Television Distribution
  8. This guy shows up in "No Visitors" from which series?
     CBS Television Distribution
  9. You might recognize this mask from a Halloween episode of...
     Peter Rodgers Organization

Spooky Westerns quiz!

Your Result...

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LynCarrigan 4 months ago
5out of 9 and lots of guessing. Oh well, love quizzes anyway.
TammyMeador 4 months ago
You got 5 out of 9
You better giddy up over to MeTV's BOO-Nanza!👻👻
BradBeall 4 months ago
Only 4 of 10, but I can honestly say I've never even watched a western, even when they were always on TV. But - can you believe that's Cloris Leachman in question #4? I never would've guessed that!
Ratt1959 4 months ago
4/9 I should hide my head under a blanket in shame.
grandpa5741 4 months ago
6 of 9, I miss the Big Valley and Barbara Stanwyck, so hot 😍
rvoyttbots 4 months ago
Most of those were just on ME-TV last Saturday
JohninND 4 months ago
6/9. I think the ones I got correct were recently on MeTV.
cperrynaples 4 months ago
When you think about it, couldn't most WWW episodes be considered Halloween-ish! I suspect Scooby Doo may have been inspired by WWW! After all, the villians would have gotten away with if it wasn't for the meddling of West & Artemis....LOL!
cperrynaples 4 months ago
Actually, the mask in 9 looks more like the one who stalked Perry Mason's client in the 1957 premiere!
cperrynaples cperrynaples 4 months ago
PS could someone tell me whether or not 4 is Tim Constantine from My 3 Sons?
gbell cperrynaples 4 months ago
Yup, I used to think that was a young Martin Sheem
CrumblyCrunchies 5 months ago
8/9 all guesses. Wow! I am amazing
Rails22 CrumblyCrunchies 2 months ago
Same here 8/9, only knew the murder cow and old guy from Wild Wild West episode for sure guessed on the rest.
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