Have Questions - Will Quiz
Giddyup and get the questions right!

CBS Television Distribution
Jump into the saddle and challenge yourself with this quiz about the classic television series Have Gun - Will Travel.
The show captivated millions, and now we'd like to see what details you can recall! So put your knowledge to the test and see if you're a true aficionado of this legendary Western series!

Who starred as the main character, Paladin?
What is Paladin's first name in the series?
In what year did the show premiere?
What job did Paladin have before becoming a gunslinger-for-hire?
What image is featured on Paladin's signature business card?
What city is listed on the card?
What's the name of the semiregular character portrayed by Kam Tong?
Who created "Have Gun - Will Travel"?
What's Paladin's primary gun?
How many season did the show run?

Have Questions - Will Quiz
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7/10. Should have done better. Paladin a real favorite. Richard Boone a great actor. Happy there is MeTV where all the old westerns live. About all I watch. Paladin and Matt Dillon - they could run things and take care of us!!!
Have Gun - Will Travel was one of several westerns to also be on radio, such as Gunsmoke. The radio version starred John Dehner, but unlike Gunsmoke, Have Gun - Will Travel aired on TV before being adapted for radio.
I like this show, he's so cool.
I remember my Mom saying he is cousins with Pat Boone in real life. Wonder if Paladin carried a pair of white shoes in his saddle bag for special occasions...😁
I like this show, he's so cool.
I remember my Mom saying he is cousins with Pat Boone in real life. Wonder if Paladin carried a pair of white shoes in his saddle bag for special occasions...😁
5/10 Whatever happened to westerns?
It became oversaturated on TV. The public became weary of the genre. Even Roy Rogers said in an interview "Just how many stories are left to tell in westerns after all of the films and TV shows?"
8/10 Love me some Have Gun Will Travel. Also many of Richard Boone movies were one's to watch.
IC too funny. The first wire in the USA (telegraph) was in 1844 and said "What hath God wrought," A $1 telegram in 1880 (short one) is around $26.00 in todays money. One thing it did though is made the Pony Express obsolete. During the Civil war a private usually made $13 a month. They could hardly afford a telegram. Now you can catch live a war battle anywhere in the world with a cell phone. Now we get data from Voyager 1 from like 15 billion miles away in 22 hours. Back in 1800 you might find out what happened in San Francisco in a week from New York. I am not sure there is anything FTL as we know it.
Yes, it even inspired a show called The Young Riders! It may have lasted longer than the Pony Express...LOL!
Yes he did. Kidnaped John Wayne's character grandson in Big Jake. He was a mean cuss but got it in the end. Also the bad guy in Hombre. Oddest one was I Bury the Living (1958). As a Cemetery director. When he changed the plots board to the living they all of a sudden died every time he moved them. He thought he was causing it. Liked him both good and not so good characters. I have maybe 5 of his movies.