Name that robot!
Make your way through this robo-quiz!

Everett Collection
They beep, they bop, and sometimes they boop! They're robots! In this quiz, we're testing your robot memory. We'll show you a picture of a well-loved robot from television or film, and you've got to tell us what their name is!
What's this robot's name?
Everett Collection
What's this robot's name?
Everett Collection
What's this robot's name?
Everett Collection
What's this robot's name?
Everett Collection
What's this robot's name?
Everett Collection
What's this robot's name?
Everett Collection
What's this robot's name?
Everett Collection
What's this robot's name?
Everett Collection
What's the name of the robot on the right?
Everett Collection
What's this robot's name?
Warner Brothers

Name that robot!
Your Result...
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The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

Batman - Since 66

Gwengoolie™ Gaze T-Shirt

Caddyshack - Freeze Gopher

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Bought the day the earth stood still on DVD a couple of years ago.amazing what. A good movie effects wise considering what they had to work with back then.i saw it when it came out and it was the most suspenseful movie I'd ever seen.gorts still my favorite robot to this day
It should have been 8 out of 10 since anyone who has watched the "Terminator" movie franchise would know that the "T-1000" was the "shape shifting" robot from the future who stalked John Connor, and anyone connected to him in the second movie. I remember that the title was "Terminator-2 Judgement Day" and the actor who played the robot was Robert Patrick. Arnold Schwarzenegger played the "T-800" in all of the "Terminator" movies. He was a "bad" robot in the first movie only - in the rest he was a "good" robot who helped John Connor avoid all the "bad" robots.
9/10 but the Terminator is a T-800. The T-1000 was in Terminator 2:Judgement Day.
The Terminator one was wrong, the NEW one in Terminator 2 was the T-1000 Arnold was and has always been "Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 or the T-800"
Danger Will Robinson!, Danger, this quiz does not compute. Too easy for us machines. 10/10. I can think of many robots that would be more of a challenge. Protious, colosus, Robbie, sonny, Hal 9000, wally, on and on. Secondly Rachel was a replicant (manufactured human)not a robot.
8 of 10. I like everything to do with robots! No problem on the older film 'bots but I missed #3 and #5. Those two films, I didn't have a clue! 🤖
9 out of 10
Don't even recognize the movie for the 5th question.
And the T800 Terminator was easy to spot because it had artificial skin...
Don't even recognize the movie for the 5th question.
And the T800 Terminator was easy to spot because it had artificial skin...