Can you find the one sitcom that has NOT gotten a sequel or reboot series?
Hollywood is constantly recycling ideas, but there’s one sitcom that surprisingly hasn’t been revamped into a new show.

As the saying goes, there’s nothing new under the sun and Hollywood has certainly taken that to heart. It seems like there are more reboots and sequels these days than ever before, but producers have been remaking things since the very first silent pictures.
We’ve gathered nine classic sitcoms from the Fifties to the Nineties, eight of which have been reimagined on the small screen, either by simply adding “New” to the original show’s title, using the exact same name or just changing the original title slightly. For this quiz, we’re only counting second full-fledged TV shows as sequels and reboots. A theatrical movie reboot or one-time TV special don’t count.
Of these nine sitcoms, can you find the one that has not gotten a sequel or reboot series? Keep guessing until you get it right!
Can you find the ONE sitcom that has NOT had a sequel or reboot series?

Can you find the one sitcom that has NOT gotten a sequel or reboot series?
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