Can you find the ONE word that's NOT in The Monkees theme song?

Hey, hey, how well do you really know The Monkees theme?

The Monkees theme song, like the band, was bigger than TV. That's why you can still hear the hit on radios today.

Think you know every word that introduced us to the Monkees, anytime, anywhere?

Better get busy singing, then find the one word below that just doesn't fit in one of the Monkees' biggest hits. 
  1. Find the ONE word that is NOT heard in The Monkees theme song:

Can you find the ONE word that's NOT in The Monkees theme song?

Your Result...

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Joe 68 months ago
On the second attempt, by the process of elimination…
JeffTanner 69 months ago
''You found the word that doesn't fit!'' After three tries I got it. You must be the biggest Monkees fan in the whole world! Many theme songs reference the world, but not The Monkees!
KatHat 69 months ago
You found the word that doesn't fit! Everyone uses that word, but not the Monkees
I sang the song - got it on the first guess! I'm such a nerd! lol
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