Can you guess the TV show based on the opening scene?

Life is a highway, and so is the opening shot from lots of TV shows.

The opening scenes of some of TV's most memorable shows can be deceptively hard to remember amid some of the more standout moments that occur throughout any series run. That's why we wanted to double back and remember how some of our favorite shows first started, frame by frame. 

So what was the preferred opening scene more often than not? The overview shot. A lot of shows from the '60s, '70s and '80s started with either bird's-eye views of cities or highways. 

These more generic scenes can make it a challenge to discern the legacy show these opening scenes belong to forever.  Think you're up to the challenge? Take the quiz and find out how many opening scenes you have cycling on replay in your memory. Good luck!
  1. What show first started with this scene?
  2. What show first started with this scene?
  3. What show first started with this scene?
  4. What show first started with this scene?
  5. What show first started with this scene?
  6. What show first started with this scene?
     Image: Sony Pictures Television
  7. What show first started with this scene?
     Image: Paul Brownstein Productions
  8. What show first started with this scene?
  9. What show first started with this scene?
  10. What show first started with this scene?
     Image: DLT Entertainment
  11. What show first started with this scene?
  12. What show first started with this scene?
     Image: MGM Television
  13. What show first started with this scene?
     Image: 20th Century Fox
  14. What show first started with this scene?

Can you guess the TV show based on the opening scene?

Your Result...

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DerekBird 39 months ago
You got 11 out of 14
Nice work! Not very many opening scenes managed to escape your attention.
ttenchantr 49 months ago
#7 is wrong. That shot is from "Head of the Family" not "The Dick Van Dyke Show."
DouglasMorris 68 months ago
10/14! missed #11, #12, #13, and #14.
ndebrabant 74 months ago

You got 12 out of 14
Nice work! Not very many opening scenes managed to escape your attention.
BillSapp 74 months ago
Clarify 14 for me. If these are the first scenes from the first episode or credit roll, I don’t think one would find 1970’s model cars on Ironside which made its debut in 1967.
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