Can you guess the TV show from a bunch of stock images?

Look at these generic images for character clues!

We bet you can recognize these classic TV show even if the familiar images have all been replaced with generic stock photography.

Take a look at the following images. Examine them closely. Look for clues about the main characters and the setting. 

You got this. Ready?
  1. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.
  2. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.
  3. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.
  4. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.
  5. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.
  6. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.
  7. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.
  8. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.
  9. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.
  10. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.
  11. Guess the TV show from these stock photography clues.

Can you guess the TV show from a bunch of stock images?

Your Result...

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WILD 42 months ago
You got 11 out of 11
Victory! Enjoy this stock image of a trophy.
Snickers 43 months ago
10 out of 11. Didn't quite under stand the quiz at first.
ndebrabant 57 months ago
You got 11 out of 11
Victory! Enjoy this stock image of a trophy.
TexasGreek 61 months ago
You got 11 out of 11
Victory! Enjoy this stock image of a trophy.
Runeshaper 66 months ago
You got 10 out of 11
Victory! Enjoy this stock image of a trophy.

#10 stumped me and it was a toss up! LOL
Rickey 67 months ago
You got 11 out of 11
Victory! Enjoy this stock image of a trophy.
ndebrabant 67 months ago

You got 11 out of 11
Victory! Enjoy this stock image of a trophy.
rycki1138 74 months ago
11 out of 11
Victory! Enjoy this stock image of a trophy.
Tresix 74 months ago
11/11. At first, I was thinking more "Caddyshack" for "The Love Boat". The gopher threw me until I had to think about it more.
Geronimo 74 months ago
Too easy..............................11/11
Jeffrey 74 months ago
the goofiest quiz ever man oh man...still roliing my eyes
Brownthunder 75 months ago
Missed number 10, I never was a Mary Tyler Moore fan
BrownieMom 75 months ago
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