Can you I.D. these TV characters who share the same name?

Try not to give characters you love a bad name.

Every show has its own cast of unique characters, but over time, we've seen a lot of last names get repeated. Here, we take stock of some of our favorite overlaps in surnames we saw on TV from the 1950s to the 1990s.

Here's how to play: Below, find photos of TV characters. We'll tell you the last name we're looking for, and it's up to you to pick the one character who does NOT share that same name.

Try to make it through the quiz without giving any classic TV characters a bad name. Good luck!

  1. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Grant
  2. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Burns
  3. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: McCoy
  4. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Taylor
  5. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Feeney
  6. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Douglas
  7. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Rogers
  8. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Robinson
  9. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Stone
  10. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Hogan
  11. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Tanner
  12. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Jones
  13. Find the TV character below whose last name is NOT: Harper

Can you I.D. these TV characters who share the same name?

Your Result...

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MikefromJersey 7 months ago
"You got 12 out of 13. You can go by the name of winner today! Lisa Douglas commends you
on a job well done."

Missed the last one.
RedSamRackham 17 months ago
* Perfect Score BUT guessed on a few!
Coolrain 22 months ago
You got 10 out of 13
Couple of shows I didn't watch so they were guesses, wrong guesses. LOL
AnnaRentzVandenhazel 35 months ago
13/13 I guessed at a couple where I didn't know 2 of the characters.
EllisClevenger 51 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
You can go by the name of
winner today! Lisa Douglas
commends you on a job well
Runeshaper 67 months ago
You got 10 out of 13
Got a little lost and called out a few wrong names, huh?

Hey, that's not too bad in my book! LOL
ndebrabant 68 months ago

You got 13 out of 13
You can go by the name of winner today! Lisa Douglas commends you on a job well done.
LindaWilliams 68 months ago
You got 12 out of 13
You can go by the name of winner today! Lisa Douglas commends you on a job well done. Missed # 12
Geronimo 75 months ago
Last one was a stumper........................12/13
MaryHelen 75 months ago
11/13-- should be 12/13-- the jones/partridge fonfused me as I was doing this one quickly-- I KNOW what is her real name and her character name-- IT WAS TH NEA OF THE SHOW and I saw many of her musicals
Lacey 75 months ago
12 was a TRICk question.
Well p[layed my man, well played.
MaryHelen Lacey 75 months ago
well tricky nos so much trich
RedSamRackham 75 months ago
* Danny THomas on his sitcom & James MacArthur on Hawaii 5-O were both Danny Williams. ☺ ☺
anthony RedSamRackham 75 months ago
Yeah but nobody ever said to Danny Thomas" Book em Danno!"😋
MikefromJersey anthony 7 months ago
I enjoyed seeing both Danny and his son appearing on "That Girl".
I was surprised that after not seeing it for decades, "That Girl" is still funny,
even fresh. I had forgotten in it's last season that Marlo was famously sans bra
as she had embraced women's lib.
Kirsten 75 months ago

You got 13 out of 13
You can go by the name of winner today! Lisa Douglas commends you on a job well done.
EllisClevenger 75 months ago
You got 12 out of 13
You can go by the name of winner today! Lisa Douglas commends you on a job well done.
Missed #12. I never knew Fred's last name. But I remembered Shirley's last name was Jones. 'Doh'.
MrBill 75 months ago
13/13; I knew all but 2 and 13 but I guessed correctly on those two questions to get a perfect score.
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