Can you match the Perry Mason actors to the horror movie they were in?
Can you place these actors outside of the courtroom?

The Everett Collection
Imagine Perry Mason cross-examining Freddy Krueger. Or perhaps, the shark from Jaws can take the stand.
Okay, so that might not be a crossover we'll get any time soon. But the actors from Perry Mason starred in sci-fi and horror all over the place, which allows us a little peek at what it might be like.
Can you match the Perry Mason actor to the movie they had a role in?

The same year they appeared on Perry Mason for the first time, this actor starred in 20 Million Miles to Earth
This actor had a small supporting role in the Mel Brooks hit Young Frankenstein
One of this actor's final feature film roles was in The Giant Spider Invasion
This actor was edited into the Americanization of Godzilla
This actor starred in the "big bug" movie, The Deadly Mantis
This actor was in an early 3D circus-themed horror, Gorilla at Large
This actor had a role in the Academy Award-nominated movie, The Bad Seed
This actor was in the sci-fi classic, Forbidden Planet
This actor was in the made-for-TV Kolchak movie, The Night Strangler
This actor had a small role as a commercial actor in the cult classic Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

Can you match the Perry Mason actors to the horror movie they were in?
Your Result...
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The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

"Objection! You got 5 out of 10. You didn't do so well, but that's okay. Some of those questions were really out there!" Of well, I did my best. 🥴
Confused Michael Fox with Michael J Fox and it cost me
The Bad Seed is a great creepy movie.
The Bad Seed is a great creepy movie.
4/10 - NOW who in the heck is Michael Fox? And I watch PM every night and maybe two
Michael Fox appeared as various autopsy physicians describing how the murder victim died. Actor Michael J. Fox added the “J” to his name because there already was a Michael Fox.
now that's trivia - albeit goofy PM trivia - this quiz had so many other bit actors they could have in this quiz
Jackie Coogan
Paul Fix
Frank Ferguson (Mr Foley-TAGS)
Julie Adams
Kenneth McDonald (big time 3 stooges actor)
Jackie Coogan
Paul Fix
Frank Ferguson (Mr Foley-TAGS)
Julie Adams
Kenneth McDonald (big time 3 stooges actor)
Michael Fox was on one of the soap operas and they talked about having Michael J. Fox doing a guest role as father and son. They both commented that they would get fan mail saying, "I like your Dad's tv show," and "I never miss your son on "Family Ties."