It takes a Sixties TV expert to recognize all these Perry Mason guest stars

These actors all had their own series in the 1960s.

 CBS Television Distribution

Perry Mason welcomed all kinds of fabulous guest actors over its nine-season run. Hollywood legends, rising stars, and even a few musicians played the witnesses, killers, victims and defendants seen each week. 

There were also many future TV stars in the cast. 

Below, you will find a dozen familiar faces from Sixties television. Try to match them to the character names for which they are best known.

This is a tough one, but Perry never takes the easy cases. Good luck!

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  1. You know him best for playing this outer space character.
     CBS Television Distribution
  2. This fellow went on to portray which millionaire character?
     CBS Television Distribution
  3. She played which beloved character of 1960s television?
     CBS Television Distribution
  4. He could be seen on a popular Western playing which character?
     CBS Television Distribution
  5. She is best known for playing which sitcom character?
     CBS Television Distribution
  6. The man on the right starred on which long-running Western?
     CBS Television Distribution
  7. She later played which spy character?
     CBS Television Distribution
  8. He played this character on three different opular sitcoms.
     CBS Television Distribution
  9. She was the wife on which animal show?
     CBS Television Distribution
  10. He played this character in 247 episodes of a smash-hit sitcom.
     CBS Television Distribution
  11. This dapper James played which Western "Johnny"?
     CBS Television Distribution
  12. James Coburn was a movie star in hip films like 'In Like Flint.' But he also starred on a show called…?
     CBS Television Distribution

It takes a Sixties TV expert to recognize all these Perry Mason guest stars

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MikefromJersey 1 month ago
"You got 12 out of 12.
Well done! You rarely lose. Three at the most. You deserve a peck on the cheek."
8176Morgan 2 months ago
8/12. I loved the episode that Connie Hines was in, it was called "The Singular Double. One of the best PM episodes for sure.
cinamac 11 months ago
I didn’t do too well…I only have eyes for Perry!
ThomasPotter 19 months ago
You got 6 out of 12
Looks like you could have phoned a friend. Better luck next time!
Uggh, I don't watch westerns, and I don't watch Perry
EllisClevenger 47 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
Well done! You rarely lose. Three at the most. You deserve a peck on the cheek.
Missed #12
palgal96 49 months ago
I had all twelve questions right!
Moverfan 50 months ago
James Coburn was probably in any number of TV shows, but you couldn't prove it by me. What I remember him from is a TV-movie called The Carey Connection (I think) that was based on a book called A Case Of Need. I'd seen the movie and read the book several times each before I found out the book was written under another name by Michael Chriton (he wrote Jurassic Park and yes I know I spelled his last name wrong). So at least I can say I'm familiar with his work. I believe the name on the book is Jeffrey Hudson but it'll probably come up if you search under his own name as well.
Mike Moverfan 49 months ago
For The Record:
THE CAREY TREATMENT was a theatrical movie, directed by Blake Edwards, from a novel by Michael CRICHTON (pronounced CRY-ton), using the pen name Jeffrey Hudson.
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