Can you match the quote to the classic TV show?

It might not be as easy as you think!

Have you ever thought about how many hours you've spent watching your favorite classic TV shows? While nobody knows an exact number, we're betting it's a lot. However, even the most well-versed TV watcher probably has a tough time knowing which quotes come from which show. 

We've taken some catchphrases, as well as some one-off lines and put them in this quiz for you to try to remember. Good luck!
  1. "Women. You can't live with 'em. Pass the beer nuts."
  2. "Anyone who says money can't buy happiness doesn't know where to shop."
  3. "I learned one thing about eating jigsaw puzzles. An hour later, you're hungry again."
  4. "I love it when a plan comes together."
  5. "Just one more thing..."
  6. "You've got to know the rules before you can break 'em."
  7. "I'm not a snitcher, I just tell it like it is."
  8. "I'll bet the neighbors are just loving this!"
  9. "Maybe we both realized that growing up doesn't have to be so much a straight line as a series of advances and retreats."
  10. "Never in my life has someone broken a date with me."

Can you match the quote to the classic TV show?

Your Result...

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Fred_Clampett 8 months ago
9 of 10. For the most part, you can get the answer if you know the show whether you've heard the quote or not.
ndebrabant 67 months ago

You got 9 out of 10
That was an impressive performance!
Missed the last one. Never watched that show.
Geronimo 75 months ago
Impressive perfomance....................10/10
Legion1a 75 months ago
8/10 4 of the right ones were just pure guesses!
"That was an impressive performance!"
I liked Mary Anne more than Ginger in the dance scene here!
Deepizzaguy 75 months ago
Six out of ten on this quiz.
Geronimo Deepizzaguy 75 months ago
too bad................
JamesB 75 months ago
9 out of 10. Should have remembered Mrs. Howell regarding money and happiness! By the way, there's one "n" in "Advances" (Wonder Years). Spell check is good! ;) Happy 2019.
dwango77 75 months ago
10/10. Lucky guesses on most of them, I guess.
anthony 75 months ago
9/10.That was a impressive performance!... Yeah it was!Wasn't it?
CatMomWanda 75 months ago
9/10. I missed the BB question. It just didn't sound like the way they spoke.
anthony CatMomWanda 75 months ago
I agree CMW.That's the one I missed.Sounded more like Arnold from Different Strokes.
UnicornPrincess 75 months ago
8/10. Not bad for never having seen some of these shows!
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