Can you match the urban legend to its state of origin?
Tell us where these tall tales came from!

Sure, a ton of urban legends are universal. There are a bunch that are bigger than their place of origin. Every kid grew up thinking "Don't make that face or it will freeze that way."
But some of the best urban legends are hyper-local. They're so tied to the places they came from, either by geography or just by oral tradition.
So, let's see how well you know these fantastical fables and where they're from. If we didn't get your hometown haunted tale, make sure to teach us about it in the comments section below. We'd love to learn!

We'll start with an easy one: The Jersey Devil
The Seven Gates of Hell
The Boggy Creek Monster
The 100 Steps Cemetery
The Goat Man of Pope Lick Creek
The Grunch
Goody Cole, the Witch of Hampton
The Werewolf of Defiance
The Bandage Man of Cannon Beach

Can you match the urban legend to its state of origin?
Your Result...
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6/10 I have never heard half of these. Dont pick up any hitch hikers like Resurection Mary after dark!!!
I'm from Louisiana and never heard of the Grunch.Honey island swamp monster and Feu Follett is what we got