Can you name these '80s movies just from the characters' T-shirts?

Match these iconic tops to the correct film!

Image: 20th Century Fox

Everyone seemed to wear statement T-shirts in the Eighties, especially wise-cracking characters in teen comedies. Elsewhere, you had new-wave kids sporting "Frankie Says Relax" tees and kids going to prom in ironic tuxedo T-shirts.

There were some very memorable looks in the hit movies of the decade. We gathered 15 of them. See if you can match these memorable tops to the correct film. Good luck!

Be sure to check out our own collection of 1980s T-shirts in the MeTV Store, including Atari, ALF, Journey, Rubik's Cube and more!
  1.  Image: Orion Pictures
  2.  Image: Paramount Pictures
  3.  Image: Orion Pictures
  4.  Image: 20th Century Fox
  5.  Image: 20th Century Fox
  6.  Image: Universal Pictures
  7.  Image: Columbia Pictures
  8.  Image: Universal Pictures
  9.  Image: Paramount Pictures
  10.  Image: Columbia Pictures
  11.  Image: Universal Pictures
  12. This character wore many memorable T-shirts throughout the movie.
     Image: 20th Century Fox
  13.  Image: Warner Bros.
  14.  Image: Embassy Pictures

Can you name these '80s movies just from the characters' T-shirts?

Your Result...

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WILD 40 months ago
You got 12 out of 15
This quiz fits you perfectly! Who needs faces to recognize famous flicks?

There were so many that I've never seen (or own on DVD) and yet I still got 12/15.
Dario WILD 18 months ago
Me too! 😃
idkwut2use 40 months ago
11, but most of the misses were just…really pretty stupid mistakes. xD;
Rickey 65 months ago
You got 13 out of 15
This quiz fits you perfectly! Who needs faces to recognize famous flicks?
ndebrabant 65 months ago

You got 13 out of 15
This quiz fits you perfectly! Who needs faces to recognize famous flicks?
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got 11 out of 15
This quiz fits you perfectly! Who needs faces to recognize famous flicks?
Allison 71 months ago
11/15 - never saw a lot of these
bpacha77511 71 months ago
15/15...... This was really easy!!! Guess this means i watch waaay too many shows and movies from the 80s???
Lacey 72 months ago
14/15 and it bothers me that I got these so fast.
The 80s were not known for great films.
Fun maybe, but hardly a golden age.
SheriHeffner 72 months ago
I have only seen the movies Stand By Me and The Breakfast Club so I guessed the rest. I got 11 out 15
JeffTanner 72 months ago
You got 12 out of 15 -----------This quiz fits you perfectly! Who needs faces to recognize famous flicks?
MrsPhilHarris 72 months ago
7/15 I haven't seen a lot of them.
dave 72 months ago
15/15. This quiz fits you perfectly! Who needs faces to recognize famous flicks? This test was easy
EllisClevenger 72 months ago
You got 15 out of 15
This quiz fits you perfectly! Who needs faces to recognize famous flicks?
nerakr 72 months ago
13/15. Very good considering I only saw a handful of those movies.
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