Can you name these characters on 'Leave It to Beaver'?

Do you know Beaver and Wally's friends and classmates?

How well do you know Leave It to Beaver?

Let's see if you can name these supporting characters. Good luck!

Watch Leave It to Beaver on MeTV!

Weekdays at 8 & 8:30 AM, Sundays at 1 & 1:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. What was the name of Beaver's elementary school teacher?
  2. Who's this goody-goody classmate of Beaver's?
  3. Another classmate of Beaver's. What's his name?
  4. Here's one of Wally's good friends. What's his name?
  5. Who could forget this little guy?
  6. This actor on the right was No. 5's brother in real life. What's his character's name?
  7. Here's another one of Wally's friends. Who is he?
  8. This character was the new kid in town during season two.
  9. She's the principal at one point in time.
  10. He might be a little old to be a fireman, but he watches over Beaver.

Can you name these characters on 'Leave It to Beaver'?

Your Result...

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Lillyrose 3 months ago
10 out of 10. Leave it to Beaver is one of my favorite shows. Easy quiz!
Nojobs 13 months ago
This is your lucky day
LeeFuGow 19 months ago
Stop annoying your viewers with Medicare ads and "woke" commercials.
Pastorgman 32 months ago
Gee Wally, is 10/10 like gettin an “A”!
QazWiz 32 months ago
You got 10 out of 10 correct
RobSob 32 months ago
Still watch the Beaver and still plays with Trains...
Auntiekk 34 months ago
10 out of 10. Knowing all of Beaver's & Wally's friends/classmates was too easy! 👍
robert 34 months ago
10-10 Too easy. I would have asked which cast member of Superman was in Leave it to Beaver. A little tougher but some of you know it.
BunnerJake robert 17 months ago
I don't know it
zman47240 34 months ago
10/10. One of my fav shows, which made it easy.
sierra127 34 months ago
Who could ever not like leave it to beaver. What a family. Well Maybe a little over dressed lol
Blondie7 34 months ago
10/10 Loved it then love it now. Still striving to be more like June Cleaver/Donna Reed.
KenKnighton 34 months ago
10 out of 10, well, you really know your stuff!
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