Can you spot the ONE episode that really is a hit sitcom series finale?

9 hilarious episodes. Find the one series finale.

It's not easy saying goodbye to a great hit sitcom. But it might just be harder finding the one show below that's actually saying farewell.

Scroll through the episodes from hit sitcoms that span the 1950s to the 1990s below and try to spot the ONE episode that truly is a series finale. Good luck!
  1. Spot the ONE episode below that REALLY IS a hit sitcom series finale:

Can you spot the ONE episode that really is a hit sitcom series finale?

Your Result...

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anthony 69 months ago
Lucky guess for me on 1st try.Never a big TDVDS fan.
Lucyneenah19701 69 months ago
I got the right answer on the 6th try.
MrsPhilHarris 69 months ago
Missed it. Should have known. I just read the title not that long ago.
teire 69 months ago
Got it, knew it. A nice finale with a nod to the future and the past, real and imagined.
WILD 69 months ago
You found the right one!
The series finale of The Dick Van Dyke Show was indeed called "The Last Chapter," a very fitting title, as the episode finds Rob finishing up his first novel (which is all about his life with Laura) and gave fans the perfect chance to say goodbye to the hit sitcom.
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