Can you tell the difference between The Rifleman episodes and Bon Jovi songs?

You'll be livin' on a prayer to pass this one.

 Peter Rodgers Organization
Bon Jovi is far from a country act, but you would hardly know it from the band's song titles. Well, the New Jersey icons did release a Nashville record, Lost Highway. But even in their peak Eighties heyday, Bon Jovi had a pinch of cowboy in their image. 

Don't believe us? Just try and tell the difference between a Bon Jovi song and an episode of The Rifleman. It's harder than you think.

So, can you sniff out the difference between New Jersey and New Mexico?

Watch The Rifleman on MeTV!

Monday-Saturday at 3 PM & 3:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. "The Sharpshooter"
  2. "It's My Life"
  3. "Wanted Dead or Alive"
  4. "Two Ounces of Tin"
  5. "The Shattered Idol"
  6. "End of a Young Gun"
  7. "Blaze of Glory"
  8. "Bad Medicine"
  9. "Squeeze Play"
  10. "Homebound Train"
  11. "Ride Cowboy Ride"
  12. "Shotgun Man"
  13. "Flowers by the Door"
  14. "Stick to Your Guns"

Can you tell the difference between The Rifleman episodes and Bon Jovi songs?

Your Result...

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doctorquinn 4 months ago
If you can not say anything nice, please say nothing at all. Think before you speak.

Love Bon Jovi and the Rifleman. Thanks for the clever quiz.
Scangus 23 months ago
I hate Bon Jovi and The Rifleman
Zip 43 months ago
14 out of 14. Made it mostly due to my love of The Rifleman. Definitely not Bon Jovi.
Joe 57 months ago
bettyluvsgators 70 months ago
yuck my skin is still crawling having to think of all that horrible bon jovi "music"
Geronimo 73 months ago
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Brownthunder 72 months ago
I got the same response 9/14
Rain 73 months ago
11/14 I don't much about Bon Jovi
JeffTanner 73 months ago
You got 10 out of 14-------------Some of these answers were pretty hair-raising, no? Maybe Johnny Crawford and Jon Bon Jovi should duet.
UTZAAKE 73 months ago
10/14. Foiled by 6, 9, 10 and 13. Not a fan of either.
cperrynaples 73 months ago
14/14! Very unlikely that Rifleman could have used 3 anyway, because that was another western on another network!
MrsPhilHarris 73 months ago
7/14 Only know a handful of Bon Jovi songs. Don't know any Rifleman titles.
teire 73 months ago
6/14, only recognized some of the Rifleman titles because I’ve read them in MeTV stories.
EllisClevenger 73 months ago
You got 6 out of 14
Some of these answers were pretty hair-raising, no? Maybe Johnny Crawford and Jon Bon Jovi should duet.
anthony 73 months ago
12/14.A lot better then I thought.I mean I was 🎶Living on a prayer🎶,but I didn't 🎶give love a bad name🎶.😋
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