Can you unscramble the names of these Flintstones characters?

Who is "Morgan Crank"?

 The Everett Collection

Uh oh! The names of characters from The Flintstones are all mixed up!

See if you can unscramble the names in quotations. Once you put the letters in the correct order, you can then answer the questions!

Good luck!

  1. What color clothing does "Sniffled Rotten" wear?
     The Everett Collection
  2. What kind of creature is "The Ragtag Ooze"?
     The Everett Collection
  3. What color clothing does "Tubby Elbert" wear?
     The Everett Collection
  4. The famous Hanna-Barbera character "Igor Ebay" makes a cameo in "Swedish Visitors." What kind of animal is "Igor Ebay"?
     The Everett Collection
  5. Is "Yearn Blubber" a male, a female, or a place?
     The Everett Collection
  6. How is "Prelegal Hooplas" related to Fred?
     The Everett Collection
  7. What kind of animal is "Abby Sups"?
     The Everett Collection
  8. "Mt. Laser" sounds like a cool place. But is it a place, an animal or a person?
     The Everett Collection
  9. Finally, "Morgan Crank" is the scrambled name of a celebrity in Bedrock. What kind of celebrity?
     The Everett Collection

Can you unscramble the names of these Flintstones characters?

Your Result...

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Sl176 10 months ago
I enjoy watching classic television on Metv, monster movies on Svengoolie.
ThomasPotter 19 months ago
You got 9 out of 9
Phew! It's a lot easier when everyone is back to normal. How did you do?
mveahead31 19 months ago
8/9 Brain wasn't working with The Great Gazoo😞
Dario 20 months ago
6 out of 9. 😁😁😁😁😁
Glornt 21 months ago
Got 'em all, last one was the toughest, but no guesses.
mamaspapas 21 months ago
Got 8 of 9 right. Yogi Bear threw me off. I forgot about that episode.
bj1606 21 months ago
8 out of 9 ann margrock absolutely loved that episode. I’m a 60 zs kid remember them very well can’t wait for the Herculoids
Zip 21 months ago
Never liked word scrambles, so I didn't strain my brain on this quiz. Just a lot of quick guesses. I did get Fred, Barney, and Mr. Slate correct though.
Mistertelvison 21 months ago
The quizz about the Flintstones Character
I only got 8out of 9
Because I couldn't figure out that the answer is MR Slate 😕😕😕
Moverfan 21 months ago
8/9--missed the Baby Puss question (not that I remember the cat having a name). And the anagram in #3 is rather rude...the one word you CANNOT use to describe Mrs. Rubble is "tubby"! (I mean really!)
Geronimo 21 months ago
You have to look at the letters carefully
TSeym22 21 months ago
8/9 Missed the last one.
wbodine112 TSeym22 21 months ago
Don't feel bad--the only reason I even got that one is because I knew there was never a talk show host OR an advice columnist on "The Flintstones", so it had to be an actress.
chris70 21 months ago
4 of 9. This quiz made my brain hurt.
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