Choose between these horror movies and we'll give you a classic romcom to watch this Valentine's Day
You'll love this quiz so much it'll scare you.

If you think about it, there's not much that separates a romantic film from a horror film. Both get your blood pumping and your heart beating, and both keep you on the edge of your seat. In this quiz, we're asking you to tell us your horror movie preferences, and in return, we'll tell you which romantic comedy you should check out!

Alien or Psycho?
The Exorcist or The Evil Dead
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre or The Shining
Night of the Living Dead or The Amityville Horror
A Nightmare On Elm Street or Halloween
The Hills Have Eyes or Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
The Invisible Man or Frankenstein
Rosemary's Baby or The Thing
Friday the 13th or Carrie
Pet Sematary or Children of the Corn

Choose between these horror movies and we'll give you a classic romcom to watch this Valentine's Day
Your Result...
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You should watch When Harry Met Sally. Really? Maybe, someday, but it's not something I'd go out of my way to pick.
"When Harry Met Sally"....meh. Pretty in Pink is one of my all time faves - and yes, I DO like Duckie better!
Pretty Woman
I've seen maybe a total of 20 minutes of this over the years.
I'll go with "My Bloody Valentine"
I've seen maybe a total of 20 minutes of this over the years.
I'll go with "My Bloody Valentine"
Pretty in Pink? really? I don't know who I am after all these goofy quizzes
Give me old - pre 1980 horror flicks anytime
but of course - IF I really want to watch horror - turn on a news cast
Give me old - pre 1980 horror flicks anytime
but of course - IF I really want to watch horror - turn on a news cast
Harry Met Sally. I never saw this movie and it really doesn't sound too appealing. A few tough decisions, because I will never watch slasher, satanic or gory graphic films. Old outer space, ghosts, haunted houses and the Svengoolie Universal Monsters are more my go-to movies!
Sometimes I wonder how they come up with these quizzes. But here I am, on a daily basis, enjoying them. 😉