Creepy Crawly Survey: What's your favorite Spider movie?

The chilling choice is yours!

 The Everett Collection

We're spinning a web of fun with this simple survey about spider movies.

So let's get your skin crawling as you start a discussion about the best movies on eight legs! 

Make sure to tell us why you made this particular choice in the comments section below! 

  1. What's your favorite "spider" movie?

Creepy Crawly Survey: What's your favorite Spider movie?

Your Result...

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JHP 4 months ago
100% - ter

I had a tarantula as a pet when I lived in Phoenix
ElvisPresleyFan 4 months ago
I went with Arachnophobia. It's a real fear, you don't see them coming, and some of them are big enough to move furniture.
RobertK 4 months ago
20% Earth vs. The Spider. One of those so-bad-it's-good '50s horror/sci-fi "classics." The 'spider' was kinda cheesy but still a fun film. 🕷️🕸️👍🏼
Payneiam RobertK 4 months ago
Agreed, 20%
CaptVideo21 4 months ago
I picked Other for the 1972 film, "Frogs" with Ray Milland and Sam Elliott (no 'stash). Mostly, because there is a scene involving a Huge Spider going in (& or Out) of a place they should never be. I saw it in the theatre when I was 13 years old, and being that we lived in Hawai'i since I was 8, I had not seen a Spider that big doing something that repulses me to this day.
George58 CaptVideo21 4 months ago
I don't understand why that movie was called FROGS when 99% of them were TOADS. The movie should have been called "Toads".
George58 4 months ago
Can't stand spiders, especially those recluse spiders that eat away your flesh. But, as a kid, I was always watching Earth Vs. The Spider. That would be my favorite. As someone has already mentioned, The Spider movie is the same as Earth Vs. The Spider. For some reason the title of the movie was changed to The Spider somewhere over the years.
JamesDean59 4 months ago
Tarantula, 1955. As a young boy watching this one, it scarred me with spiders forever.
CarolKelley JamesDean59 4 months ago
I remember seeing the trailer for Tarantula on TV when I was a baby. (Yes, I was only a year old or not quite a year old.) I've been terrified of spiders especially those of any size ever since. About 40 years ago, my husband and I were in the reptile house at National Zoo. We were looking at a crocodilian and my husband exclaimed "That's the biggest spider I've even scene!" so leaned up close to the glass to get a better look. It was on the outside of the glass! I set a world record for the backwards broad jump which stands to this day. The spider had the leg span the size of a dinner plate.
JamesDean59 CarolKelley 4 months ago
That's hilarious! I may have beat your record on that long jump! Great story, Carol!
Gunsmoked JamesDean59 4 months ago
I remember watching this at a Wednesday matinee at the local theater , i loved it and had a pet tarantula in a huge 100 gallon Terrarium tank ( Old fish tank ) he lived for about 8-9 years and his name was velvet fog 🤗
JamesDean59 Gunsmoked 4 months ago
You are far more brave than Carol and me. There would be no sleeping at night if it was in my house! lol
LH 4 months ago
I liked the Incredible Shrinking Man. But I believe that was the only movie with a spider in it I saw !
Tresix 4 months ago
Surprised “Giant Spider Invasion” (1975) isn’t on the list.
Tresix 4 months ago
Picked “Kingdom of the Spiders”, got 20% similar.
FLETCH 4 months ago
Just watched Kingdom of the Spiders not that long ago on Svengoolie. The movie is definitely in the
it's-so-bad-it's-good category. William Shatner seems well aware that this movie is bad, you can see it in his I'm here for the pay cheque acting. But always the pro, Shatner hams it up and gives it a good go.
Tresix FLETCH 4 months ago
I totally disagree: that is a good movie, especially compared to the other movies on this list.
boomerdragon61 FLETCH 4 months ago
I like it enough to watch it every time it airs. Shatner also gets to show off his horsemanship.
FLETCH boomerdragon61 4 months ago
Yes, I wish they showed some more of it.
rvoyttbots 5 months ago
THE SPIDER 1958 & EARTH VS THE SPIDER 1958 are the same movie
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Tresix 4 months ago
“Them!” is about giant ants.
LabLove 5 months ago
I have no faves here. In my world, the only good 🕷 is a dead one.
BradBeall 5 months ago
Choosing "Tarantula" got me 70% similar, but I only chose it because I haven't seen many of the other movies on this list. And about "Spider Baby"... wasn't that one of the worst movies Lon Chaney, Jr. ever appeared in? But you gotta admit, the 2 girls were kinda cute.
Tresix BradBeall 4 months ago
I liked the snooty older woman more. I think she played Vincent Price’s wife in “The House on Haunted Hill”.
MikefromJersey 5 months ago
"The Fly" (1958)
When that spider is making it's way over to the caught in the web fly with David Hedison's head,
it was absolutely chilling -
"Help me. Help me".
Not even the Sea View and Admiral Nelson could have helped Captain Crane out of that one.
BenSobeleone 5 months ago
They didn't mention The Giant Spider Invasion (1975) with Alan Hale Jr. as the Sheriff. Filmed in Wisconsin. I've seen this movie at a second run/cheap theater back then. Sheriff: "Did you ever see the movie Jaws? Well, this spider makes that shark look like a goldfish!"
FLETCH BenSobeleone 4 months ago
I vaguely recall seeing this movie many years ago. I have to watch this movie again. I mean, Alan Hale Jr. as the Sheriff? I'm sold right there!
Tresix FLETCH 4 months ago
Now THIS is a “good bad movie”.
BenSobeleone FLETCH 4 months ago
Another sci-fi/horror movie where Alan Hale Jr. plays the Sheriff is The Crawling Hand (1963)
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