Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Aunt Bee's Invisible Beau''

In which Aunt Bee is almost a homewrecker in a house of cards!

 CBS Television Distribution

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 27: "Aunt Bee's Invisible Beau." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Opie goes to stay the night at which friend's house?
  2. Which of Opie's friends does Helen complain about?
  3. Clara Edwards goes on and on about her romantic partner...
  4. What name does Aunt Bee come up with for her boyfriend?
  5. Barney: "He buttered her up, she..."
  6. What's a 42-J?
  7. Barney invents this diagnosis, combining two other words:
  8. What sounds does Barney use to wish violence on Aunt Bee's invisible beau?
  9. What's the fake boyfriend's son's name?
  10. The issue of a fictional extramarital affair is misconstrued as a complaint about...

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Aunt Bee's Invisible Beau''

Your Result...

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Zip 6 months ago
Obviously don't remember a lot about this episode.
Ready2go 6 months ago
4/10. Move over Otis, room for one more!
ehatfield 6 months ago
You better get upstairs and study. Don't bring home anymore D's
seltaeb 6 months ago
I guess Mr. Hendricks must be doing a little moonshining on the side. In the scene where Barney and Andy confront him inside his barn, Hendricks tells his son Evan to make up some more mash. Also it looks like there are some liquor bottles lined up on the top shelf in the barn.
Well after all it is national cracked eggs day
frenchman71 6 months ago
10/10. It's been a while since I did this good. I'll take an extra dozen and make a few omelets.
seltaeb 6 months ago
Orville Hendricks was the man who had the church organ for sale on one of the color episodes. When the congregation couldn't raise enough money to buy the organ, Clara Edwards conned him out of the organ when he was mesmerized by her awful Barney Fife singing.
BuzzFluheart 6 months ago
8/10. Missed #2 and #3. Never cared much for this episode or any of the Aunt Bee romances.
Dandaniels 6 months ago
8 for 10, I can’t believe how much milk, butter and eggs Aunt Bee ordered from the new delivery man. And for a family of three. Was she planning on opening a bakery?
Aunt Bee was trying to get more than butter and eggs.
seltaeb Dandaniels 6 months ago
You mean the guy with the Mr. Magoo nose.
Peanuts04 seltaeb 4 months ago
Peanuts04 seltaeb 4 months ago
Funny people are the greatest lol
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