Who said it: Opie Taylor or Richie Cunningham?

It's a Ron Howard duel!

 CBS Television Distribution

We've had the pleasure of watching Ron Howard grow up before our very eyes, first as Opie in The Andy Griffith Show, and then as teen Richie Cunningham of Happy Days. But despite being played by the same actor, just how similar are these two characters? We're asking you that question in this quiz! We'll give you a quote, and you have to tell us whether it was said by little Opie or Richie!

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  1. "Just what can you do with a grown woman?"
  2. "Do you want to hear what really happened or the lie we're going to tell everybody else?"
  3. "If you let me have a dime, we wouldn't even have to talk about it."
  4. "A sandwich sure tastes better with milk."
  5. "I never want Corn Flakes again."
  6. "I think I'll split over there and get some of those cool looking potato chips."
  7. "A shark? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!"
  8. "Sit on it!"
  9. "Do you know what's in a ladies' room?"
  10. "We're going to go cruising and see if we can catch onto some new talent."

Who said it: Opie Taylor or Richie Cunningham?

Your Result...

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DK 6 months ago
#6 was Richie, I just saw that episode again last week.
gockionni 6 months ago
9/10, missed #6. Then I realized it was the older Opie who said that at a party. My brain was tuned into the little fella Opie.
LabLove gockionni 6 months ago
Exactly the same here
top_cat_james_1 6 months ago
10/10. What, no "I found my thrill..."?
Dysall 6 months ago
10/10. But Opie did say something about a shark to his friend. It was in the episode when they found a baby in front of the courthouse.
BenSobeleone 6 months ago
9/10 got #8 wrong. Kidding, got #6 wrong.
Sway 6 months ago
Coldnorth Sway 5 months ago
Does your black cat have yellow or green eyes?
Sway Coldnorth 5 months ago
Green eyes
Coldnorth Sway 5 months ago
Beautiful. I’ve had only one green eyed one. I love black cats. They are my favorite
Sway Coldnorth 5 months ago
He’s a love
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