Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Convicts-at-Large''

In which Floyd and Barney put the "Ha!" in "hostage"!

 CBS Television Distribution

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This quiz is about Season 3, Episode 11: "Convicts-at-Large". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. What crime opens the episode?
  2. Which of these is NOT an alias of Big Maude Tyler?
  3. The convicts say they're in uniform because they're members of the...
  4. "A cop with an empty _______!"
  5. What do they keep calling Barney?
  6. What's the name of the cabin's owner?
  7. Naomi is a convicted...
  8. Naomi breaks a ___________ over Floyd's head.
  9. Who does Floyd run into on his way to the store?
  10. Naomi says she wants to ______ Floyd and Barney.

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Convicts-at-Large''

Your Result...

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JHP 10 months ago
10/10 - one great super funny ep even with BARN
can anyone tell me where DEEtroit is?
NorthFork 10 months ago
10/10 Floyd and Barn were always great together.
tanya7100 10 months ago
10/10...love this episode! My husband, not the world's biggest TAGS fan, but sits through them with me at times (OK, he's on his phone) likes this episode, as well. He wishes Peggy and Andy got together, too.
bub626 10 months ago
LOVE Andy quizzes!!
I NEVER get more than 2 wrong...
DZee 10 months ago
One of my favorite episodes. On a side note. This was the last episode that Floyd was in before his stroke. I wonder if Naomi hit him too hard with that breakaway vase.
Coolairguy 10 months ago
I believe this is the last episode before Floyd had a stoke. Probably his best episode. 10 out of 10
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