Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Guest in the House''

In which Helen guessed the guest had other intentions!

 CBS Television Distribution

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 24: "Guest in the House." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. What's the name of the Taylors' visitor?
  2. Why is she staying with them?
  3. Andy commiserates about bus times with...
  4. Where is Barney?
  5. Where's the visitor come in from?
  6. Who left Agnes Drumheller at the altar, but later changed his mind?
  7. Opie asks if the visitor knows...
  8. Aunt Bee brings up Andy's breakup with a girl named...
  9. Andy invites this visitor to join him and Helen for a...
  10. Who is suggested as a date for this visiting family friend?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Guest in the House''

Your Result...

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Crappie 5 months ago
My least favorite episode by far…8/10
Renny13 Crappie 5 months ago
The actress that played Gloria was kinda gross.
edcrumpacker 5 months ago
"Well, you don't have to get your nose outta joint! Love that line L.O.L.
"Old Lady Crump" is always getting her nose outta joint. 😅🤣😂
"You beat everything, you know that"!?
gockionni 5 months ago
9/10. Didn’t care too much for this episode. Gloria was a furtive female - you can’t tell me she didn’t know what she was doing!
edcrumpacker gockionni 5 months ago
Yes. She was really playing up to ol' Ang. I think that Gloria and Ang made a nice couple. Better than " Old Lady Crump".
edcrumpacker 5 months ago
Gloria should have stayed with Goober. That Frank was a real dork 😜🤪😅🤣😂
edcrumpacker 5 months ago
10/10. Outstandin'!
Not a bad non-Barney episode. But a very SCARY Helen episode. YIKES 😱😱😱
mda 6 months ago
10/10. Helen was really annoying in this episode.
JayBurd 6 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
"Oh, yes- well, that's very good!"
-Floyd..wow I usually only get 50% of them correct....what luck! I'm off to buy a lottery ticket.
JHP 6 months ago
7/10 - now if she is still there I am gonna to hire a pilot to get me to Mt Pilot:)

and yet ange thee ZEN doofus wouldnt make a pass at Gloria - c'mon man
trogg888 6 months ago
Helen was a grump.now beavers teacher there was a babe
Helen definitely had a grumpy beaver
JHP ColbysTonsorialParlor 6 months ago
can't stop laughin...what a great morning chuckle!!
JayBurd trogg888 6 months ago
Yes Miss Landers was HOT! 🔥🔥🔥
I've always like Della Street also.
Dandaniels 6 months ago
9/10, one of the few episodes where Aunt Bee rocked. She set Andy straight regarding giving Gloria a bit too much attention and rubbing it in Helen’s face. You go, girl! I would have liked to see a lot more of this from the Beester.
Dandaniels 6 months ago
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edcrumpacker Dandaniels 5 months ago
Yes. Andy was doing only what Aunt Bee asked him to do. To be nice to Gloria and make her feel at home and Hellen treated poor ol' Ang like a "BEAST" for listening to Aunt Bee.
Zip 6 months ago
It says I made Helen jealous. Helen's typical reaction.
Zip 6 months ago
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