Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Opie and the Carnival"

In which we suddenly feel Barney's absence!

 CBS Television Distribution

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Journey back to Mayberry each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

It's up to you to keep track of your score, and we work on the honor system here in Mayberry. Missed a quiz? Just click here, and you'll have the chance to catch up!

This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 31: "Opie and the Carnival." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Opie recognizes that the caliber of the gun in the shooting range is a...
  2. What did Opie win the first day?
  3. Opie doesn't want to spend all his money because he's saving for...
  4. What does Andy do to "liven things up a little"?
  5. Opie cautions Andy against wasting a wish on...
  6. What does Goober do when he picks up the gun?
  7. Andy says there's nothing wrong with Goober's eyes. Andy cites the fact that he's the ______ for his insight.
  8. What's wrong with the guns?
  9. Andy: "It's guys like you that give ______ a bad name, you know that?
  10. What's the final prize Andy wins for Helen?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Opie and the Carnival"

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BenSobeleone 1 hour ago
Billy Halop as one of the carnival guys. He was one of The Dead End Kids and he was Mr. Munson, the cab driver and friend of Archie on All in the Family.
Calhoun1959 15 hours ago
I like the way that Andy handled the carnival grifters
frenchman71 17 hours ago
8/10. When Goober fired off all his rounds he couldn't see he didn't knock anything down?
I've got news for you cowboy, you didn't even hit the target.
I be dogged
sjbang88 frenchman71 15 hours ago
Remember, Goober is incredibly dumb
Calhoun1959 sjbang88 15 hours ago
Good heart though
BenSobeleone sjbang88 1 hour ago
He ain't stupid. Gomer's cousin Goober. He's ugly but he ain't stupid. (Ha-ha!)
STTOS 18 hours ago
You got 10 out of 10 - Hey now! That's a score worth smiling for! I've said it before and I will say it again... I know my TAGS!!
CraigHouston 23 hours ago
9/10 missed the last question. D’oh!
Zip 1 day ago
I guess I should stay away from carnival games with a score like that.
Actually, I usually do anyway.
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