Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Opie Flunks Arithmetic''

In which Andy miscalculates his parenting approach!

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 30: "Opie Flunks Arithmetic." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. What grade does Opie have at the beginning of the episode?
  2. Barney: "_____ Fife, they used to call me."
  3. Opie mentions Johnny Unitas of the _______ Colts.
  4. Andy and Opie try to see how many times 14 goes into...
  5. Barney offers Aunt Bee a ride, but ________ is picking her up.
  6. Aunt Bee is scared Opie will be a...
  7. Barney brings Andy a magazine article about...
  8. Opie gets intercepted on his way home from school, because Barney wanted him to take a ______ test.
  9. Who told Aunt Bee Einstein was a dropout?
  10. If Aunt Bee followed a different path, she could've been...

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Opie Flunks Arithmetic''

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Take another quiz: A quiz about Potsie and Ralph
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leeroyprice 5 months ago
Don't feel bad Ope. Out of 10 questions I got 2 right and 6 wrong.
Crappie 5 months ago
8176Morgan Crappie 5 months ago
You did better on your second try Crappie, or maybe it was your third!
Wendy57 5 months ago

I had to really work at Math to keep my grades up.
I had a lot of extra tutoring at night, because my Dad was a teacher. He always made me prove my work and never gave me the answer. He was tough but fair.
frenchman71 5 months ago
4/10. May have to go to summer school.
WVsassy 5 months ago
3/10, but, I don’t like this episode because of everyone’s attitude, including Andy’s, which sucks. It reminds me of my own childhood, in which I was horrible at math, because I didn’t understand it, and yet got punished for it. Years later, it came to light that I am mildly dyslexic, with numbers being worse than letters and words. I guess I wasn’t as stupid or lazy as I was made to believe. Sorry about the venting. I just hate this episode.
ncadams27 WVsassy 5 months ago
I had trouble with math in grade school because of the way they taught it. We had to memorize multiplication tables and do flash cards for addition and subtraction. I would know 7x3 since I learned the 3’s table but didn’t know 3x7 until we got to the 7’s table. We had quizzes where we were timed, rather than being taught to understand the relation between numbers. Didn’t know that multiplication was a series of additions.
kathyo ncadams27 5 months ago
im glad im not alone
WVsassy ncadams27 5 months ago
Oh my gosh, yes! I remember in first grade we were given a paper with like 20 subtraction problems that we had a time limit to do. I was in such a hurry to get done what I didn’t know how to do, that I wrote anything down, as I didn’t understand how to subtract, not to mention the fact that I felt the numbers were jumbled. I guess it was a flash card memorization test. Anyway, my mom found the paper, which was almost all wrong answers, and I was worn out for it. Fast forward 40+ years later, and I told her how that stuck with me, and I had made a pact to myself that I would NEVER punish my children for bad grades; When my kids were in school, I sat them down and helped them to understand the problem, not punish them for it. She apologized and said “I didn’t know”. I said “because you never asked”. Nothing like old school parenting 🙄
JumpingJimFlash 5 months ago
The Luck of Newton Monroe, this episode and Banjo Playing Deputy are my least favorite episodes in B&W
Wendy57 JumpingJimFlash 5 months ago
Anything with Newton Monroe in it was my least favorite.
i really liked the one with Newton Monroe, and also the Banjo playing deputy. Two of the best from season five.
FredGoss88 5 months ago
The only episode I dont like Barney in. He was way out of bounds.
brierfield 5 months ago
This is one of my least favorite episodes.
FLETCH 5 months ago
4 out of 10. My usual lousy score 🤷‍♂️
Zip 5 months ago
Not good at arithmetic either, nor Andy Griffith Show quizzes, apparently.
ColbysTonsorialParlor Zip 5 months ago
It probably in the genes then.
BuzzFluheart 5 months ago
10/10. Not so funny of an episode given the story line. But I think there is some truth to this episode though. You can push a person too hard and they end up doing worse.
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