Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Rafe Hollister Sings''

In which a star is born!

 CBS Television Distribution

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Journey back to Mayberry each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

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This quiz is about Season 3, Episode 20: "Rafe Hollister Sings". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Barney sprays water and honey on his...
  2. Barney calls Andy "________ Taylor"
  3. Aunt Bee asks Rafe Hollister to drop off a barrel of...
  4. Where are the singing try-outs being held?
  5. Opie: "You got an _______ stuck in your throat, Barney?"
  6. Who comes by Andy's desk to thank him for sending Rafe?
  7. What song does Barney sing at the tryout?
  8. Who doesn't want Rafe singing at the musicale?
  9. Andy mentions Rafe's last jail stay. How long was it?
  10. What's Rafe's wife's name?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Rafe Hollister Sings''

Your Result...

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meckenzielarson 9 months ago
9/10 missed the second one. I don’t remember it being part of the episode
Gradyb77 9 months ago
10/10. Anything worse than that would have been over my head.
Coldnorth 9 months ago
7/10 seems I don’t get better than that score on any TAGS quizzes. Can’t figure it out cuz I’ve watched all of of the episodes so many times
Coldnorth Coldnorth 9 months ago
When Gomer sings to “To dream the impossible dream” I always get goose bumps. It’s sung with so much emotion and power. Can’t figure how that voice comes out out of him
Edddie 9 months ago
10 for 10,Barney you got a organ stuck in your throat , funny kids think up, I remember as a kid my mom talking about a friend having a lot of trouble with her nerves, I told my mom why not just have the Dr take the nerves out, kids and the innocence in their hearts.
clarenceearp 10 months ago
10/10 but I guessed on a couple. TAGS is great comfort TV!
Zip 10 months ago
Rafe was a good singer. His rendition of "Look down(that lonesome road) was awesome.
I still prefer Gomer's singing voice, but Rafe is right up there. A real talent.(sorry Barn)
Mark112763 10 months ago
Got 8 out of 10. Oh well. Haven't seen the episode but a few times.
HoadieSnitch 10 months ago
9/10. I don't remember them mentioning Mrs Hollister's name. Now I've got to watch this episode again.
mda 10 months ago
10/10. Jack Prince had a good voice. He was a good actor as well.
kendel7 10 months ago
9/10 Missed Rafe's jail stay.
8176Morgan kendel7 10 months ago
Me too. That's the only one I missed, but got lucky on a couple of others.
Ilovereruns 10 months ago
7/10, which is the standard for me for TAGS quizzes.
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