Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''The Education of Ernest T. Bass''

In which Ernest T. gets schooled!

 CBS Television Distribution

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Journey back to Mayberry each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 4: "The Education of Ernest T. Bass". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

  1. What's the diner's lunch special that day?
  2. Who has Ernest T. been courting?
  3. Ernest says he's learned the first part of the alphabet, reciting "A, B, C, __, __, __."
  4. What grade does Ms. Crump teach?
  5. For us dog-less pest evaders, Ernest T. proposes two ways to get to a possum, lighting a fire, or ________.
  6. What's the first longer word Ernest T. demonstrates he can read?
  7. What "sentence" does Ernest T. string together?
  8. According to Andy, Ernest T. waited until ______ before he fell in love with Helen Crump.
  9. Ernest T. says that the ______ has the right idea, when it comes to romance.
  10. Whenever Barney insists he can straighten Ernest T. out, those around him say "_________".

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''The Education of Ernest T. Bass''

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Zip 6 months ago
It says that I've angered the teacher. When ISN'T Helen Crump angry?!
tinkparker 6 months ago
I think this is my favorite Ernest bass episode
TcbCarla 7 months ago
10/10. You’re NOT no-account Earnest T, you’re just…ignorant. Best line in the show!
Tbrew001 7 months ago
I could of sworn that Barney came up with the notion about the ruler
Dandaniels 7 months ago
7/10, it’s safe to say that an affair between Helen and Ernest T. would have involved some BDSM
mda 7 months ago
8/10. I love seeing the kids laugh while Ernest T is talking to the teacher.
IndianaRockz 7 months ago

Speaking of the alphabet, my grandmaw could say the alphabet backwards at lightning speed. I've never known anyone else who could do that!
hendrix_media 7 months ago
7/10. Disappointed with my score. Missed early in the quiz. *** Serious question! *** I like to leave an emoji or two after I post. For several days, I can click on any of them — but have no idea which it is because I CANNOT see the options!?! Until I see them after included in my post. Any advice is much appreciate, and — much needed. I'll click 3 emoji links, and post whatever they are. — kh
The 3 emojis I clicked did not appear?!? What the #*^!
How are you posting on here----on a phone, computer, tablet? I never click on the smiley icon below the window of my reply, I just click on the emoji on my phone like when I send text messages & insert an emoji.😁🙃😎🌻😸💕🌞✝️🎶🌸😻✌️🐈🚗😻✌️😴🌛🌟💌👍🌄💫
Zip hendrix_media 6 months ago
Same thing is happening to me. I thought it was just my new computer. Did you get a new mac? Or I was also thinking it could be something with the browser. Which do you use? I use Firefox.
IndianaRockz 6 months ago
This comment has been removed.
hendrix_media Zip 6 months ago
I use Chrome, on a HP desktop pc. I still can't see the smileys here, so I copied a few from another site to use here. I had trouble a little while ago (4:27an ET) replying to IndianaRockz comment but it, as well as my post about 'The Rehabilitation of Otis' quiz, finally showed up. 😁 😛
Wendy57 7 months ago

I like watching and listening to his little classmates reactions to his antics in their classroom.
Very funny 😆
mda Wendy57 6 months ago
I don't think those kids could help but laugh.
Calhoun1959 7 months ago
8/10 One of my favorite characters it was as though he was made for that part
Ready2go 7 months ago
6/10. Here comes a rock through the court house window !
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