How well do you remember ''The M*A*S*H Olympics''?
Choose your team — and answers — wisely!

Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
"The M*A*S*H Olympics" delivered big laughs in season six with its wacky athletic events. Potter decides that the 4077th is too soft and weak. The entire team fails to flip over an ambulance — a task that four MPs handle with ease.
So, the colonel decides to hold an athletic event to get the gang into shape. And begin "The M*A*S*H Olympics"!
Let's see how well you remember this classic episode!

Who is the captain of the pink team?
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
What is the name of the pink team?
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What is the name of the yellow team?
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Meanwhile, we see footage from the 1952 Summer Olympics, which are being held in the city of…?
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Who lights the torch for the 4077th?
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Is Radar in this season-six episode?
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What is the name of this sergeant?
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What is this pink slop that Klinger says "curls my nose hairs"?
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What is the name of Margaret's husband?
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Where are Margaret and her hubby heading for a week of "R" and "R"?
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Col. Potter recommends a cafe for Margaret to visit on her vacation. What is it called?
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B.J. tells Hawkeye he is the superior athlete because he earned how many varsity letters?
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
How does Klinger plan to get discharged?
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Each member of the winning team gets how many days of "R" and "R"?
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
Hawkeye and B.J. make their own bet that the loser has to…?
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
What is the tie-breaker even to decide the winner of the M*A*S*H Olympics?
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Which team wins the M*A*S*H Olympics?
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B.J. has made a wager on Emil Zátopek to win which event in the 1952 Summer Games?
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
Emil Zátopek represented which country?
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

How well do you remember ''The M*A*S*H Olympics''?
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13/19. Some guesses. I haven’t watched Mash in a long long time. I used to think it was funny. Now it seems a lot of the humor is just crude and tasteless.