Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "The Rehabilitation of Otis"
In which Otis takes 12 steps right back to the bottle!

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 18: "The Rehabilitation of Otis". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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Barney keeps his amazement regarding a fact he read about...
Otis thinks he bought a horse but it's actually a...
How much did he pay for it?
Who did Otis buy it from?
Barney, about Otis: "He's really ________!"
What's the name of Barney's factoid magazine?
Otis takes an ink-blot test, and his first answer is:
What does Barney insist the blot is?
Otis calls Barney from...
What municipal code does Otis allegedly violate?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "The Rehabilitation of Otis"
Your Result...
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What do you mean, "Uh-oh, try again?" I thought 7 was a pretty good score, for an episode I don't remember too much about(except Otis riding the cow).
Great episode. Hal Smith plays an Outstanding drunk.
Frank Cady appears in this episode. He played the original Otis in the Danny Thomas episode, "Danny Meets Andy Griffith". A spin-off that started "The Greatest Show of All-Time".