Daily Andy Griffith Quote Quiz: ''Briscoe Declares for Aunt Bee''

Hey... Who said that?!

 CBS Television Distribution

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We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are!

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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Weeknights at 7 & 7:30, Sundays at 11 AM & 5 PM

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  1. Who says... "Do you like pearl onions?"
  2. Who says... "MEAT!"?
  3. Who says... "Perfectly good hoot owl just plumb wasted."?
  4. Who says... "How 'bout when you want somethin', just tell me..."?
  5. Who says... "You hittin' first and explainin' the rules later!"?
  6. Briscoe: "That woman's ______ after me."
  7. Who says... "Oh, flibberty-gibbet!"?
  8. Who says... "But she'll feed me grits and prunes!"?
  9. Who says... "Clap those handcuffs on me for breach of promise!"?
  10. Who says... "In Norway the young'uns eat hardtack and raw fish."?

Daily Andy Griffith Quote Quiz: ''Briscoe Declares for Aunt Bee''

Your Result...

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Big3Fan 19 minutes ago
Only eight. This one really twanged my buds.
JHP 2 hours ago
didn't take the quiz - but I'd have to do what Briscoe is doing (with a full jug) before I would declare for her...
edcrumpacker 2 hours ago
Great non-Barney episode.
Love the "Deliverance" tune.
"Let the light get on it"
"You can poke it with your finger" 😅🤣😂
mda 2 hours ago
9/10. Your heart is speakin to mine.
Calhoun1959 mda 1 hour ago
So funny
JL1965 3 hours ago
8/10 I thought this was an average episode
Snickers 3 hours ago
7/10 A little better than my normal.
Sway 4 hours ago
5/10…🙁 Quite the romantic that Briscoe
JHP Sway 2 hours ago
well he took some tips from his role on (DVanD) ; Alan Hale Jr and Ernest T gave him EVEN more tips:)
Sway JHP 13 minutes ago
Those eligible bachelors of Mayberry
FrankensteinLover 5 hours ago
9 out of 10, I love the Darlings especially when the music starts.
frenchman71 5 hours ago
7/10. Not one of my favorite episodes...."TATERS"......
Muleskinner 5 hours ago
10/10. Not a favorite episode of mine.
teire 5 hours ago
8/10. I remember this one pretty well.
Michele 5 hours ago
You got 9 out of 10 Best episodes included the Darlins! 😄
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