Daily Andy Griffith Quote Quiz: "The Sermon for Today"

Hey... Who said that?!

 CBS Television Distribution

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We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are!

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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Weeknights at 8 & 8:30, Sundays at 12 & 6 PM

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  1. Who says... "Oh, Dr. Breen, your sermon has such a wonderful lesson for us!"?
  2. Who says... "Fortunately, none of mine goes to fat. All goes to muscle."?
  3. Who says... "That's one subject you just can't talk enough about... sin!"?
  4. Who says... "You know what I believe I'll do? Run down to the drugstore and get some ice cream for later."?
  5. Who says... "Gomer, get down there with them spiders and start workin'!"?
  6. Who says... “Yeahhh, sounds real good to me too.”?
  7. Who says... "You're probably tired. Why don't you let me go?"
  8. Who says... "Yes, sir! You really hit the nail right on the head there!"?
  9. Who says... "Yeah, we really packed it away."?
  10. Who says... "I say you’re late! You’re draggin’!"?

Daily Andy Griffith Quote Quiz: "The Sermon for Today"

Your Result...

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Big3Fan 6 minutes ago
📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖 I relaxed, slowed down and took it easy, and, Jumpin' Jehoshaphat, a perfect score!
Robersot 1 hour ago
You ever noticed Helen and Thelma Lou never go to church with Andy and Barney?
Blaketon 1 hour ago
6/10. Been a while since I've seen this one, but it's real good! :)
FrankensteinLover 2 hours ago
9 out of 10...He dont want no strangers using them

only a relative.

Oh, brother.

No, it don't have to be.

It can be a cousin, like me.

Muleskinner 3 hours ago
7/10. Missed 8, 9, and 10. I wouldn’t want get down there with them spiders either!
Yikes! Me neither.
frenchman71 3 hours ago
7/10. I loved it when Aunt Bee & Clara were arguing over the band uniforms. And there was no way in hell they could get all that done in an afternoon for a band concert that night.
David frenchman71 3 hours ago
"I'm tired of being the tailors dummy!"
Irish 4 hours ago
10/10...I will not get down there with them spiders! 🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🎶🎶🎶
MrsPhilHarris Irish 2 hours ago
I’m with you and Gomer. No spiders for me.
Irish MrsPhilHarris 2 hours ago
I'm afraid of them! Ugh!
MrsPhilHarris Irish 2 hours ago
I despise them. 😬
Blaketon MrsPhilHarris 1 hour ago
I don't like them crawling on me or hanging from a string in front of me, but other than that, they're okay. Though I totally get why people are afraid of them! Soo skin crawly! Egh!
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