Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "The Merchant of Mayberry"

Hey... Who said that?!

 CBS Television Distribution

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We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are!

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who asks... "Why don't we go up to the old peoples' home and wax the steps?"
  2. Who says... "I forgot different things and a whole lot of this 'n that."?
  3. Who says... "Oh, you probably don't need nothin', no way. And I don't wanna appear pushy."?
  4. When asked how he's doing, who responds... "Middlin'"?
  5. Who says... "Why don't you go sit in the grocery store so we can all know you're the Big Cheese?"
  6. Who says... "I'll tell you one thing! You're gettin' the best salesman in Mayberry."?
  7. Who says, twice... "I'm talkin' to the sheriff!"?
  8. Who says... "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a pushy sheriff!"?
  9. Who says... "You're smart to make people believe that you're a skinflint and a mean, old tightwad, 'cause if they ever found out how sweet and kind you really are, they'd take advantage of ya!"
  10. Who says... "You'll be sorry."?

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "The Merchant of Mayberry"

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Zip 2 months ago
The day Winnie the Pooh visited Mayberry.
Jacki Zip 2 months ago
CraigHouston 2 months ago
7/10…I should’ve done better, one of my favorites 🤦‍♂️
Buzzyleonard CraigHouston 2 months ago
Mine too, Bert is one of my favorite characters.
Buzzyleonard 2 months ago
Really like Bert Miller. If you get home and get to hating it bring it back, don't care for it much myself.
Them door bells drive me crazy!
seltaeb 2 months ago
Jim Stevens should have opened up a store in Mayberry and ran Ben Weaver out of business.
Buzzyleonard seltaeb 2 months ago
That Jim Stevens has just been itching to get a toehold on Mayberry!
JHP 2 months ago
7/10 AND #6 is highly questionable And who in the fook is Joe Waters?
CatBeau JHP 2 months ago
#6 is correct. Barney did say that. It was then followed by Ben Weaver saying “No, second best”. Barney then says “ Second? Who’s the first?” Ben replies “ You oughta know- you’re workin’ for him!” 👍🏻
JHP CatBeau 2 months ago
OOPS:) yup yer right. I just re-watched it on the DVR...Thanks for the input
Zip JHP 2 months ago
That one got me, too. I without thinking said Andy.
ColbysTonsorialParlor JHP 2 months ago
Joe Watters was the guy who blew a kiss at Barney.
Sweendog 2 months ago
Loves this episode but didn’t do so well.
Bookman1963 2 months ago
10/10. "Looks like I just bought myself a stand."
Lancets1 2 months ago
10/10. Wow ! Who knew Winnie the Poohs voice actor would make it into an Andy Griffith episode. Sterling Holloway had a pretty good career in movies in the 40’s.
NipIt 2 months ago
10/10. “Help someone along life’s waaaaayy! Spread a little sunshine every day. Ain’t that pretty? 😂 Love this episode!
JHP NipIt 2 months ago
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