Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "The Pickle Story"

Hey... Who said that?!

 CBS Television Distribution

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We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are! 

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two. 

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who says... "I don't know how I can face the future when I know there's eight quarts of these pickles in it!"?
  2. Who says... "Sixteen jars. And I'll see that you get them every day."?
  3. Who says... "What's small potatoes to some folks can be mighty important to others."?
  4. Who asks... "You mean you actually want her to make another batch of them kerosene cucumbers?"
  5. Who says... "Barney, you haven't told us a thing about your trip."?
  6. Who says... "Shoo, fly! He's dead!"?
  7. Barney tells Andy the pickles are scattered from Oregon to...
  8. Who says... "Well, it's not so much your heart we need, it's your stomach."?
  9. Who asks... "You been doin' some paintin' in here?"
  10. Who says... "They were just pickled tink to see me."?

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "The Pickle Story"

Your Result...

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Tarkon 3 months ago
8/10. I'm such an abject failure in everything.
tootsieg 3 months ago
8/10. Funny, funny episode. A big favorite.
seltaeb 3 months ago
The only thing worse than Aunt Bee's pickles, was Barney's off key singing in the courthouse while he was filing away something in the filing cabinet. That funny look Andy gave Barney while he was singing.
pops1 3 months ago
I did poorly, but it's an episode you don't forget. I've always wondered why these pickles are so bad especially from Aunt Bea.
Sweendog 3 months ago
I said this before, but I think this one truly is my favorite episode. 10 wasn’t too tough to get on this one 🙂
edcrumpacker 3 months ago
This was Don Knotts favorite episode.
Zip 3 months ago
I guess the kerosene cucumbers got to me.
MikefromJersey Zip 3 months ago
I got the same batch. 6/10
ASperos 3 months ago
10/10!!! One of my favorite episodes!!!!
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