Daily Star Trek Quiz: "Who Mourns for Adonais?"

In which the gods must be crazy!

 CBS Television Distribution

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Journey to the stars each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

It's up to you to keep track of your score, and we work on the honor system here in the United Federation of Planets. Missed a quiz? Just click here, and you'll have the chance to catch up!

This quiz is about Season 2, Episode 2: "Who Mourns for Adonais?". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. As the episode opens, who is chided for flirting with Lieutenant Palamas?
  2. Suddenly, a huge hand made of energy appears. What color is it?
  3. The being who stops the Enterprise likens Spock to which mythological figure?
  4. McCoy: "To coin a phrase.... __________!"
  5. The being introduces himself as...
  6. Kirk admonishes Scott, calling him a...
  7. Kirk says if their last plan doesn't succeed, the crew of the Enterprise will have to get used to herding...
  8. Chekov reveals his age. How old is he?
  9. Spock comes up with a plan to generate which kind of rays?
  10. Do you remember the name of the planet this story takes place on?

Daily Star Trek Quiz: "Who Mourns for Adonais?"

Your Result...

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Fred_Clampett 3 months ago
10 of 10. I knew them all except the final question, but I guessed correctly. Apollo calls the planet Olympus, so I always had as well.
Zip 3 months ago
I ought to quit taking these Star Trek quizzes.
I won't. But I ought to.
I'm letting Spock down.
kathyo Zip 3 months ago
me too...lol
BuckeyeBeth 3 months ago
I had to guess at a couple and really think about what I could imagine coming out of Kirk’s mouth but I nailed it at 10/10! 🎉🍻
MichaelPowers 3 months ago
8/10. You never see guest star Michael Forest (Apollo) in the same shot with the male members of the landing party from the Enterprise. This was an artistic decision that was done in order to make Apollo appear omnipotent.
Jay Jones, Jimmy Doohan's stunt double, was seriously injured doing the scene where Apollo sends Scotty reeling backwards in the air and over the table.
The original script ended with the revelation that Lt. Carolyn Palamas was pregnant. NBC would not allow that.
BuckeyeBeth MichaelPowers 3 months ago
Very interesting! Do you remember what his injury was and if he recovered ok?
CaptainDunsel BuckeyeBeth 3 months ago
According to the article on Jones at "Memory Alpha":
'Jones suffered a concussion after hitting himself on the head following a back flip. And while playing the role of security guard Mallory on "The Apple", Jones was severely injured by the explosion which was supposed to kill his character.'
If you want to get a better look at him, watch the episode "Catspaw". He played "Crewman Jackson", who gets beamed up in the teaser and immediately falls over dead.
tuffy123 CaptainDunsel 3 months ago
He really did a good job falling face first in that one, also...
BuckeyeBeth CaptainDunsel 3 months ago
Thank you for all of this excellent information Captain! I checked out his page on Memory Alpha and the stills from the show, especially when he was stunt doubling and you can tell it wasn’t the actor was interesting. According to the site Jay is still with us at the age of 81. I tried to look see if he has a page on IMDb and he seems to be listed as Jay D. Jones and it’s incredibly sparse. For those who really enjoy that kind of challenge I think it would be awesome if someone could help fill-in his IMDb page with all of his credits!
CaptainDunsel BuckeyeBeth 3 months ago
AllisonWunderland 3 months ago
Good morning! Hope everyone has a beautiful day 🙏
I had a beautiful day. Visited my 90-year old aunt. She's always busy doing things for others, driving them to appointments, etc. Such a sweetheart. Wish I lived a little closer. 🥰
Oh, good for you! I’m so happy you got to spend time with her 🤗
She's a lot of fun and the only one left of my mom's family, so I like to see her and talk about my mom and grandmother. She's kind of like a link to them.
Bapa1 3 months ago
9/10, pretty good episode. They would continually meet aliens who had visited Earth in the distant past.
frenchman71 3 months ago
9/10. I picked sheep instead of herding goats. Michael Forest was in "Twilight Zone" in "Black Leather Jackets".
Jacki 3 months ago
5/10 "highly illogical", of course ☺️
edcrumpacker 3 months ago
8/10. "Interesting" 🖖
Here's an "Fascinating" fact, William Shatner refused to be in the same shot as Micheal Powers because of their height difference. "Fascinating" 🖖
Bapa1 edcrumpacker 3 months ago
Michael Forest. Bill & I are about the same height.
Oh, yes, my bad 😟 I meant Michael Forest. Thank you MichaelPowers. 🖖
edcrumpacker Bapa1 3 months ago
"Highly Illogical" Bapa1! Please explain 🖖🪐🚀🛸🖖
Bapa1 edcrumpacker 3 months ago
Height difference, basketball, jump ball. Watching the Miami Heat right now.
edcrumpacker Bapa1 3 months ago
"Understood" thank you Bapa1 🖖
FLETCH 3 months ago
7 out of 10. Decent score although this episode is one of the weaker ones
Peter_Falk_Fan 3 months ago
After I took the quiz, I looked up Michael Forest on IMDb. He's still around (95 years old), and he reprised his role as Apollo in 2013 on the first episode of "Star Trek Continues."
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